Friday, August 29, 2003

Adrift in Japan - a blog about living in Japan
"Splendid Slippers", a book

Bitches, Bimbos and Ballbreakers: The Guerrilla Girls' Illustrated Guide to Female Stereotypes.

David Liss. A Conspiracy of Paper & The Coffee Trader

Scrooge's Cryptic Carol by Robert Gilmore

The Kitchen Sink Papers by Mike McGrady
MOVIE: Piñero

Through some randomness, I came across the story of this young girl who was murdered and her body hidden in some sort of water supply. I can't remember if it was in a resevoir or a water tower. But so I randomly googled her, and found all these psychics who predicted/prophesied her death, or her location, or something. It was weird, because I've googled crimes before, and I don't usually get 2 psychic hits on the first page. Bizarre. psychic one and psychic two

Bob the Angry Flower grammar lessons - it's and apostrophes.

yet another fic in the quest to find more good HP fic.


from PJ:
Good for the number-crunchy bits. Plus, I've found that finding backgrounds, advantages and disadvantages that you like can make developing a character history easier.


Unicorn Archery - Most Rokugani practice what they call kyujutsu. This is a fast method of shooting the bow, and relies primarily on instinctive aim, feel, and experience. It's the equivalent of "hip-shooting" with a bow. In their travels to distant lands, the Unicorn learned a different method, involving careful aim. Instead of drawing and firing instinctively, the bowman looks down the shaft of the arrow and aims it. They found this method to be superior to the Rokugani method, for they could fire rapidly when they needed to, but they could also take their time and aim the arrow when scoring a hit was of critical importance. The Unicorn call this technique by its gaijin name, "yomanri," and all Unicorn samurai use it. As you might imagine, gaijin use this skill as well. The downside of this technique is the stillness it demands on the part of the archer: use of this skill is considered a Full Attack. No extra dice are rolled, but the TN to hit the archer is a 5.
For the Unicorn, the Archery skill is based on Agility rather than Reflexes. The Unicorn samurai can fire once a round like their counter parts, but they may also take time to aim their bow. For each round a Unicorn archer spends aiming (and doing nothing else), he or she gains a Free Raise on his or her to hit roll. An archer can only aim for a number of rounds equal to his Archery skill.
Also, the amount a target is moving also restricts the amount an archer can aim. Only half a character's skill can be spent in rounds aiming at moving targets.

Horse Archery - A character with the Horse Archery skill can not only fire a bow from the back of a moving horse, but can do so without falling off and with a reasonable expectation of hitting the target. The bow used for this skill is the dai-kyu, a long, asymmetrical bow particularly suited to the task.
The strength of the dai-kyu comes from its size and greater draw, thus giving more force to the arrow; and a bowman on horseback is at least three feet taller than one on the ground, affording a much broader field of fire and range.
The Horse Archery skill is based on the Unicorn method of archery (and uses the same mechanics), and so is not generally available to non-Clan members. A character who knows Archery, but not Horse Archery, has his TN raised by at least 10 when firing from the back of a horse; characters who don't know how to handle a bow at all probably ought to hope for divine intervention. A similar penalty would apply if, for some reason, a character trained solely in Horse Archery were forced to fire from the ground.

Lance Unicorn - bushi (and occasionally shugenja) - use this skill when trying to lance (for example, with a yari or a naginata). Obviously, lancing an enemy can only be done from on top of a moving horse. If the Unicorn samurai succeeds in hitting his target with a lancing attack, he does not add his own strength to the roll. Instead, if his mount is charging, he rolls the weapon's DR plus the number of rounds he's charged for damage. He must also make a Strength+Lance check against a TN equal to x5 the number of rounds he charged. This extra roll is not considered an action. If the bushi fails this roll, he loses his grip on his polearm. If he fails it badly (GM's discretion), he can even be unhorsed.
Lancing from horseback is a Unicorn specialty, something they learned in distant lands. It is rare for any other Clan's samurai to use their polearm in this way, but it is not unheard of. For a non-Unicorn samurai to use a polearm as a lance, he must either have a Unicorn teach him, or else survive such an attack and make a Perception+Yarijutsu check against a TN of 30 (less 5 for every time he's seen it) and spend an Experience Point.

>Moto Sanjo - Those of Sanjo's blood always hear his maniacal laugh whenever Shadowlands creatures are near. While this acts as an early warning system (it alerts the character even if he can't see the creatures), it is also demoralizing: the character must always drop his highest die on every die roll while fighting Shadowlands creatures. The character can avoid this penalty for one day if he succeeds in passing an Honor test at TN 10.
>Moto Soro - Those with a direct tie to Moto Soro can completely ignore their wounds for a number of rounds each day equal to their Void. These rounds need not be sequential.

Thursday, August 21, 2003

Stitches East - I kinda want to go. Just to the market, I don't really have a class interest.

I need this shirt...and this one and these, two, and three.

half keyboard

More thoughts from PJ:
Absolutely. I'm just saying. The other benefit of Yarijutsu is that there is no range MINIMUM, something that archers have to deal with. Plus, Yarijustu allows you to use ANY spear-like weapon - Yari, Naginata, Nagimaki, Nage-yari (throwing spears), Sasumata (man-catcher) and Sode-garami (sleeve-tangler). So a shugenja carrying two or three nage-yari could throw a couple and still have one left over to fight hand-to-hand with. Whereas an archer, when overrun, is screwed.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Game Stuff. All by PJ, copied from our work chat program, in no particular order:

But, yeah, the Moto as a family have a personal grudge match against the Shadowlands, so that would work fine. They have the affinity to Water magic, which is mostly healing and such, and a deficiency to Fire magic, so that fits the criteria. And their starting spells consist of 3 Water, 2 Air (no damage, illusions and communication and such) and 1 Earth (two words: Jade Strike), so she'd be more helpful around people, but still capable of blowing holes in icky things.

And they get one "Bugei" (warrior) skill to start with, so she could take care of herself just fine in a pinch.

And she gets a pony.

Yeah, the Unicorn are the only Clan with extensive Lore of the Shadowlands and the Lying Darkness AND the lands outside of Rokugan AND they tend to travel all over the damn place, so they know the best routes.

Well, when last we left Reigen and Gaika, they had just inherited a pair of Unicorn war-horses from the Moto they had helped when the Shadowlands infested the capital city, Otosan-Uchi. So, one of the Moto from that detachment joining them would be an easy way to squeeze you in, or the sister of one of the deceased Moto from that detachment would work equally well.

So, yeah, a Moto who studied at the Iuchi shugenja school (the Unicorn shugenja family) and either served in the detachment or was related to someone in the detachment would fit perfectly.

All you gotta do now is come up with a solid amount of backstory. And I know how much you hate to write.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Steven Brust wrote The Phoenix Guards, Five Hundred Years After, and The Viscount of Adrilankha.

Classic Elite Evergreen -->wool/recycled fiber blend

Classic Elite Devon -->wool/silk blend

doll graphics

magazine organization

The Illustrated Catalog of ACME Products

notes from PJ about the Phoenix:

Fire Chicken!

You are a Phoenix. The most educated clan and arguably one of the most introspcetive and philosophical. The Phoenix, as a clan, are pacifist-scholars and sorcerors beyond compare. They have their fair share of warriors and politicians, but they are most renowned for their shugenja and holy men. The shugenja of the Phoenix are so renowned and revered that three other clans owe their sorcerous heritage to the Phoenix; the Agasha of the Dragon clan, the Asahina of the Crane and the Yogo of the Scorpion.

They prize their honor as much as any samurai would; more than the Crab and Scorpion, not as all-possessed by it as the Lion or Crane. It guides your actions, but should not rule your life. As a result of their living with honor and not FOR honor, as well as their reputation for pacifism, the Phoenix are traditionally asked to mediate disputes as they hold maintaining peace and balance above most other concerns.

The Phoenix also know their fair share of secrets. While not the "Imperial Secret Police" like the Scorpion are, rooting out traitors and schemes against the Emperor, the Phoenix hold most of the Empire's mystical knowledge in their libraries and are loathe to share it with other clans. As much as they serve "the Empire," they like their knowledge and tend to be slow in sharing it.

The Phoenix are not just the pacifistic scholarly clan, however. They do have a couple of darker sides. Matt played one, the Phoenix Inquisitors. The other side of that coin is the number of Phoenix who have succumbed to the darkness and become monsters, corrupted by their search for forbidden knowledge and overwhelmed by the taint of the Shadowlands.

The Inquisitors are always searching for the Shadowlands taint and traces of maho (blood magic) in the Empire and rooting out by any means necessary with little regard for those it may hurt or those who get in their way. Inquisitors are relentless, ruthless and merciless in their duty as they perceive themselves as the only clan fit to deal with the internal, magical threats. No other clan has the understanding of magic that the Phoenix do, and even fewer know that the founder of their line, Isawa himself, was a practitioner of blood magic himself.

The dark side of that street are those shugenja who have fallen due to their studies. During the Clan Wars (which is the period the card game started in), four of the five Elemental Masters of the Phoenix were corrupted by the Shadowlands taint they sought to understand, driving the Master of Fire, Isawa Tsuke mad with power, causing him to destroy their homes, their armies and the Council of Masters itself. Even before the Elemental Masters fell to the corruption of the black scrolls, Isawa Akuma raised the most powerful Oni ever to see this realm. Oni no Akuma is still spoken of in nightmares and tall tales as one of the most powerful and destructive servants of Fu Leng ever released on this world.

Long and tedious, but that's a general overview of the Phoenix as a clan.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Fetishes (no, not that kind)
Favorite Books from Childhood:

Graham, Robin Lee. World-roaming Teen-ager Sails On, National Geographic (April 1969), 449-493.

Dove, by Robin L. Graham

Picture of Dove

Karen, by Marie Killilea
With Love from Karen, by Marie Killilea
Wren, by Marie Killilea
Newf, by Marie Killilea

The Killilea Family

(review of Karen)

7th Seas Links:
The Way of the Rune Mage - fiction

History of Theah

7th Sea Stories

More 7th Sea Links


Monday, August 11, 2003

Friday, August 08, 2003

reasons to keep the spiders

rubber duckies or global travellers? you be the judge

Microbrews - Dogfish Head's Midas Touch and Lucifer
Enterprise Car Rentals
CHICOPEE, MA 01020-5301
(413) 592-6200

Thursday, August 07, 2003

Russian Baby Names

Currently leaning toward Birgitte - gotta work my WoT reference in somehow, if I'm not playing an Atha'an Miere...Annika or Annike has its charms, too.

Scandinavian Name Analysis and some more Scandinavian Baby Names

List from Baby Zone:
Adrian, Agata, Agaton, Agda, Agneta, Aina, Alexandra, Algot, Alicia, Alma, Amalia, Anna, Anna Cristina, Annali, Annalie, Annalina, Anneli, Annika, Annike, Antonetta, Astrid, Atali, Atalie, Barbro, Beata, Berit, Berta, Birget, Birgitta, Blenda, Blix, Botilda, Brigetta, Brite, Britt, Britta, Caren, Carina, Carine, Cecilia, Christina, Cristina, Dagmar, Ebba, Ebbe, Edit, Eleonora, Elin, Elisabet, Elsa, Emilia, Emma, Erika, Eva, Evelina, Filippa, Frederika, Frida, Frideborg, Fritjof, Gabriella, Gala, Gerda, Germund, Gertrud, Gota, Gote, Gotilda, Greta, Guda, Gudny, Gudrun, Gudruna, Gunilla, Gunnef, Gustava, Hakan, Hakana, Hanna, Hedwig, Helena, Helga Henrika Hilda Hildegard Hulda Inga Ingaborg Ingalill Inge Ingeborg Ingegard Inger Ingrid Johanna Judit Julia Karen Karin Karla Karolina Katarina Katrina Katrine Kaysa Kerstin Klara Kristina Lage Laura Lena Lina Lotta Lovisa Lydia Maj Maja Malena Malene Malin Margareta Margit Maria Marira Marta Martina Matilda Mikaela Monika Nanna Olga Olivia Paula Paulina Petra Petronella Pia Quenby Quinby Ragnara Ragnhild Rakel Rigmor Rigmora Rosa Rosel Roselle Rut Sibylla Signe Signild Signilda Sigrid Solveig Sonia Sonya Stella Stina Tekla Teresia Tilda Tora Trina Trind Trine Ulla Ulrika Vega Viktoria Vilhelmina Vilma Viola Virginia Viveka

PJ again: "If you can afford an astrolabe and compass when we put her on paper, sure, shouldn't be a problem. Astrolabe, compass, maps, spyglass/telescope, the whole bit. Just remember, as a Navigator/Pilot, your charts are your life."

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Monday, August 04, 2003

from PJ: "Just think about working up a Renaissance-era pirate character from Europe somewhere (anywhere). Could fill any position on the ship short of captain, so let your artistic urges run free with the background."

7th Sea Stuff

Friday, August 01, 2003

paint colors i'm digging:

Benjamin Moore:
(Bedroom Walls)
1397 - Mighty Aphrodite
1396 - Heather Plum
1395 - Grape Ice
1655 - Blue Bay Marina
1653 - Glacier Blue
459 - Woodland Green
0456 - North Shore Green
533 - Calming Aloe

(Bedroom Trim)

(computer room walls)
091 - Tangerine Melt
140 - Fruit Punch
154 - Mango Punch
329 - Golden Orchards (yellow)
362 - St. Elmo's Fire (yellow)
349 - Yellow Brick Road
419 - Malachy Green
420 - Apple Lime Cocktail
427 - Napa Vineyards
574 - Once Upon A Time
608 - Erin Green
733 - Palm Coast Teal
782 - Blue Belle
768 - Atlantis Blue
1371 - Plum Perfect
1392 - Fire and Ice
1399 - Seduction
1398 - Charmed Violet
1657 - Niagra Falls
2026-20 - Margarita
2068-30 - Scandinavian Blue
(computer room trim)

Benjamin Moore Paints:
0.45 miles away

5.1 miles away

5.7 miles away


take pictures of old apartment, new.


26 things:
love (sleeping Matt, Matt and Virgil)
you (purple hair photo)
animal (squirrel? Luke)
little things
monument (Grampy in Santa, Emily Dickinson)


scientist cards

great low-carb book: 500 low-carb recipes: 500 recipes, from snacks to dessert, that the whole family will love by Dana Carpender

Buckminster Fuller