Monday, September 30, 2002

cyber fashion ring. small, but interesting.

its not the ultimate sacrifice, its twisted self pity. i mean that in the nicest way possible. -jcp

Sunday, September 29, 2002

copied from someone's blog...which I'll link as soon as I remember...domestic?

Take some lentils. Simmer them for 30-45 minutes (your lentils may vary). Drain.

Saute up some chopped onions, chopped dried apricots (or dried fruit of choice), cinnamon, cumin, paprika and cayenne. Add the lentils and some broth (according to what your couscous pkg says), bring to boil. Add couscous. Cover and remove from heat. Wait 5 minutes. Stir in some chopped parsley and serve.

This makes a good stuffing for eggplants, zucchinis, or roasted peppers. You can substitute drained canned chickpeas if you want it done fast.

I hope Madison's dedication went well. I really wish I could have come, but I HAD to be at work at 1pm. Matt and I got back from Florida last week, and we've been on the go since then! I haven't had a chance to get all the pictures online in a way that's easy to see, but I hope to do that soon!

DIY silkscreening

quote of the day, from the diy fashion LJ:

You would think retro 8-bit fruit patches would be more common. -hepkitten

Friday, September 27, 2002

information about affording day care, and a specific link to day care in massachusetts

hot damn. this guy's stuff is cool.

up to here in the sluggy harry potter thread

d-land template links

Thursday, September 26, 2002

techno is dead

those crazy creationists! what will they think of next?

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

knitpics and yarn porn.

going back to the old trek slash...and this, and this
i dig this blog alot.

site to check out later


resume bloopers from

work out's a pay feature, but I think it would help some people.

Monday, September 23, 2002

The Bitch in the House - book of essays


joe briefcase's political commentary blog

its like little drops of pain - adam

this modern world

Lighthouse Needleworks
504 Granby Road, South Hadley, MA 01075
(413) 552-3492

military domestic abuse

Friday, September 13, 2002

art pics to look at

interesting knitting site/blog

i really like her awards list

I randomly found a blog with this quote:

"i have a passionate love affair with ice cream, but am seeing fresh, summer fruit on the side."

I thought it was fabulous.

Thursday, September 12, 2002

kris link

ooh...a knit dress pattern

diet link

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

forbidden feelings, from September 11th. Sobering, but honest.

first, I mourned, in my own way, but here are some better things to do then watch footage over and over.

tattoo pics

Classics Online

Role of Women in the Ancient World

online knitting magazine

belly dancing school, i think.

Links galore!!

Norse Mythology links

cool painting...would match my egyptian corner.

this is cool, too. a bunch of paintings. I would love to decorate in romantic paintings, and but also egyption.

saw this in a mueseum, the clark, i think.

debate that would not die...who would win, wolvie or spidey?
i voted wolvie.

ooh, wolvie in japan.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Valerio Manfredi
if I wasn't broke, I could always use another bag

Monday, September 09, 2002

"The Man Who Fell to Earth"

talk like a pirate day

fairy tales

more fic. i'm such a weenie.

Thursday, September 05, 2002

oh dear god, the cutest story ever

fscked up article. and science abt fertility

loveliest quote ever:

Book Quote
This is a quote from a book of short stories I was reading by Charles de Lint. The book is called Moonlight and Vines and is fantasy based in a contemporary setting. But being a writer, a reader and a knitter, I really wanted to share this to you because this brought such wonderful imagery to mind and really spoke to me. The story this is from is called "The Fields Beyond the Fields". Cross posted to booktards.

"I took great comfort in how the lines of words marched from right to left and down the page, building up into a meaningful structure like rows of knitting. Sweater stories. Mitten poems. Long rambling journal entries like the scarves we used to have when we were kids, scarves that seemed to go on forever."

posted to the knitting live journal by trebyl

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Dining Room goals:

find a fabric

Living room goals:

general decorating goals:

scan and frame
spray paint those boxes

* * * * * * *

more sites:

ooh. felted knapsack kit. and it comes in a bag. a bag kit that comes in a bag...i think it is perfection!

more bags, and a cool catalog, looks like.

* * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * *

already called sarah
need to call at&t
NEED to call state quarters
need to call, um, i know i had one more...tapestry

* * * * * * * *
want to make that stuff from loop-d-loop
want to make those cuffs from knitter, merino yarn and beads

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

Change Me Into Zeus's Daughter.
Young Justice Comics

and no, i don't know what this quiz means, either.

If I were a Springer-Verlag Graduate Text in Mathematics, I would be Frank Warner's Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups.

I give a clear, detailed, and careful development of the basic facts on manifold theory and Lie Groups. I include differentiable manifolds, tensors and differentiable forms. Lie groups and homogenous spaces, integration on manifolds, and in addition provide a proof of the de Rham theorem via sheaf cohomology theory, and develop the local theory of elliptic operators culminating in a proof of the Hodge theorem. Those interested in any of the diverse areas of mathematics requiring the notion of a differentiable manifold will find me extremely useful.

Which Springer GTM would you be? href="">The Springer GTM

i think i took this one already, but this one is pretty appropriate, too.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.
sigh. i found a friend from high school's diaryland diary, and am raiding it for links.
gorgeous shockwave/flash animation
most amazing lingerie site ever, IMHO
what would your cat say if he could type? albeit poorly...
utterly amazing. must be viewed at home, as sound is essential.