Saturday, November 15, 2003
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong-willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited. Spendthrift.
Monday, November 10, 2003
Friday, October 10, 2003
this is what i want to get Kai for Christmas. In fact, I may order it next week, just to have it on hand.
We have three kits to give away, with enough “Point 5,” “Zanziba,” “Mohair,” “Isis,” “Fandango” and “Wigwam” yarn by Colinette Yarns/Unique Kolours to knit this luxurious wrap designed by Rebecca Rosen.
To enter, send a postcard with your name, address and phone number to:
VK Cover Kit F03, 233 Spring Street, 8th floor, New York, NY 10013. Entries must be postmarked by
Dec. 1, 2003.
Monday, October 06, 2003
on my netflix list: Razor Blade Smile
cryptozoology and more crypto zoology
ooh, CD jackets and sleeves, there's an idea
the jenn and matt wedding mix
* a kiss to build a dream on
* sex on wheels
books to get out of the library
Buff Brides
Mrs. Mike
Sunday, October 05, 2003
true colors (05)
i know this song, but can't remember. switchblade
symphony song, maybe? (06)
so what, who cares? probably originally the sex
pistols (07)
where did you sleep last night? nirvana (08)
borderline, virgin voices 3? (09)
something by kitty, i think (10)
just have to wait(11)
erotica, virgin voices (12)
summer breeze, type o negative (13)
97 bonnie and clyde, tori(14)
ramones (15)
like a prayer, bigod 20 (16)
disk 13
plateau, nirvana (1)
ziggy, bauhaus(03)
justify my love (04)
kids in america, bloodhound gang? (05)
hey joe(06)
paranoid (07)
show me the way to the next whiskey bar, doors (08)
material girl, (10)
"Last night I dreamed that I was dreaming of you..." - Tom Waits
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - No More Shall We Part
David Bowie - Reality...oh, and I still need Earthling
mix tape for c.c
. red right hand (nick cave)
. the tom waits song from Alice that starts "last night..."
. everything that rises must converge (shriekback)
. sex dwarf (cover - laether strip)
. pretty in pink (collapse into reason)
. living dead girl (rob zombie)
. perfect drug (NIN)
. all women are bad (cramps)
. nemesis (shriekback)
. careful with that mic (clutch)
. like a prayer (bigod 20)
. message in a bottle (cover)
. jesus christ superstar (laibach
. requiem (VNV nation)
. if you leave (OMD)
. hey jupiter (Tori)
. brick (ben folds 5)
. six feet underground (sneaker pimps)
. paint it black (vanessa carlton)
. suzanne (leonard cohen)
. she talks to angels (black crowes)
disk 12, i think
my boyfriend's back (song 1)
tourniquet orignally MM (song 7? 8?)
hip hop we will rock you (song 10)
cure covering love will tear us apart (song 14)
imagine - covered by tori (song 15)
dead souls - NIN (song 17)
fevr?? - sounds like bauhaus or velvet underground guitars...more likely bauhaus, but still not sure..nick cave? he's got a lot of NC up his sleeve(song 18)
something by the stones?? covered by porno for pyros/perry farrell/jane's addiction/etc? (song 19)
smooth criminal - alien ant farm (song 20)
i wish it would rain - some chick (song 21)
disk 14
tool doing pink floyd, i think (song 1)
hey joe, type o negative (2)
i don't like mondays, tori (4)
Thursday, October 02, 2003 and their links page
daiZy cosmetics
i desperately want this bag
benefit cosmetics - chickster garter
Lulu Guiness - amazing bags - pop icon candles, and album cover bags
the beauty bar
sugar - shoes and cosmetics
oddball stuffed animals
sugar shoes at
rocket dog shoes
sugar cosmetics
baby shopping
crazy baby shopping links
animal print baby bibs
Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing
Monday, September 29, 2003
You know you're a SG-1 junkie when...
GateWorld FanFic archive
Suz at - mediocre, slightly out of character S/J fic
Jam's Insane Ramblings Fan Fic links - mediocre, lean toward slashiness
we interuppt these SG-1 links to return to my first slashy love, potter fic
moremostly sg-1 videos, though there may be some fic in there somewhere
Seldear's recommended fic
Jojo's S/J fic - the first i read, and some of the best i've seen.
SG-1 ship fic - moments of adoration
an sg-1 fic review page - ship fic in particular
Night Terrors
Near Yet Far
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
i really like this ogham ring
fabu retro style links
cool stuff bags
tin crafts...or rather, crafts with tins
varigated worsted weight?
List-o-matic is uber cool
Monday, September 22, 2003
Online Records Serve Patients, Clinicians, and HIM
AHIMA library
Game of Thrones board game (and another link here)
SelDear's SG-1 fic
A Beautiful Mind
fave sg-1 fan fic quote of the day, from Earth Dating is Easy:
Teal'c would do the eyebrow thing and have that faint, smug, self-satisfied, O'Neill-is-in-trouble-I-shall-laugh expression on his face.
Rosedale, 15 skeins.
(color 90, 80, 52, 74, 88)
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
chrysalis - Chrysalis is a Stargate virtual mini-season hosted by
Holding the Line, Part 2
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
more Sam/Jack...duh - these seem funny, short
Sam/Jack - mediocre, established
Sam/Jack Awards - more Fic
angstnromance/nanda fics
The Gates of Winter byMark Anthony.
ideas for grammy shawl - lion brand, imagine or jiffy, something soft but machine washable.
Monday, September 15, 2003
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Thursday, September 11, 2003 - even more fic...reminds me of the harry potter fan site,
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
stargate fan fic quote of the day:
"Thor thought Colonel O'Neill was three fries short of a Happy Meal. Thor had taken Sam aside after one mission and quietly asked if O'Neill was on any medication that their extremely accurate sensors could not detect."
from Missing Something
Lots more sg-1 fic
and more fanfic

One word. Angst! You are 'The Veils of Reality'
series! Angst! Sam-Jack shippy and totally
angsty. Did I mention the angst?
Which of Sel's Stargate fics are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are 'Semiprecious'. Because they're just so
damn adorable. Squee. Sigh.
Which Suzvoy Stargate Fanfic Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Enigma - she kissed me
A Hundred Days - except for the last five minutes
Need - that geek had the right idea then
Brief Candle - he married me!!
Monday, September 08, 2003
Friday, September 05, 2003
mechanical swan
perfect chili!!
The Library Shop
Personal Library Kit - with the amount of books that come in and out of my house, i need one.
The Booklover's Repair Kit - I think I saw a better one in Levenger a long time ago, but it isn't there anymore...this one is cute, though they've got the industrial ones at Brodart, of course.
Books I want:
Tattoo by Earl Thompson
OOP books I desire:
Karen by Marie Killilea
Fic, Fic, Fic
Dark Directed
the "Yellow Brolly" fic
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Super Bubble Puzzle
Kindom Heart...desperately want it. sigh. need a game cube first, right? or is it X-box?
Friday, August 29, 2003
Bitches, Bimbos and Ballbreakers: The Guerrilla Girls' Illustrated Guide to Female Stereotypes.
David Liss. A Conspiracy of Paper & The Coffee Trader
Scrooge's Cryptic Carol by Robert Gilmore
The Kitchen Sink Papers by Mike McGrady
Through some randomness, I came across the story of this young girl who was murdered and her body hidden in some sort of water supply. I can't remember if it was in a resevoir or a water tower. But so I randomly googled her, and found all these psychics who predicted/prophesied her death, or her location, or something. It was weird, because I've googled crimes before, and I don't usually get 2 psychic hits on the first page. Bizarre. psychic one and psychic two
Bob the Angry Flower grammar lessons - it's and apostrophes.
yet another fic in the quest to find more good HP fic.
from PJ:
Good for the number-crunchy bits. Plus, I've found that finding backgrounds, advantages and disadvantages that you like can make developing a character history easier.
Unicorn Archery - Most Rokugani practice what they call kyujutsu. This is a fast method of shooting the bow, and relies primarily on instinctive aim, feel, and experience. It's the equivalent of "hip-shooting" with a bow. In their travels to distant lands, the Unicorn learned a different method, involving careful aim. Instead of drawing and firing instinctively, the bowman looks down the shaft of the arrow and aims it. They found this method to be superior to the Rokugani method, for they could fire rapidly when they needed to, but they could also take their time and aim the arrow when scoring a hit was of critical importance. The Unicorn call this technique by its gaijin name, "yomanri," and all Unicorn samurai use it. As you might imagine, gaijin use this skill as well. The downside of this technique is the stillness it demands on the part of the archer: use of this skill is considered a Full Attack. No extra dice are rolled, but the TN to hit the archer is a 5.
For the Unicorn, the Archery skill is based on Agility rather than Reflexes. The Unicorn samurai can fire once a round like their counter parts, but they may also take time to aim their bow. For each round a Unicorn archer spends aiming (and doing nothing else), he or she gains a Free Raise on his or her to hit roll. An archer can only aim for a number of rounds equal to his Archery skill.
Also, the amount a target is moving also restricts the amount an archer can aim. Only half a character's skill can be spent in rounds aiming at moving targets.
Horse Archery - A character with the Horse Archery skill can not only fire a bow from the back of a moving horse, but can do so without falling off and with a reasonable expectation of hitting the target. The bow used for this skill is the dai-kyu, a long, asymmetrical bow particularly suited to the task.
The strength of the dai-kyu comes from its size and greater draw, thus giving more force to the arrow; and a bowman on horseback is at least three feet taller than one on the ground, affording a much broader field of fire and range.
The Horse Archery skill is based on the Unicorn method of archery (and uses the same mechanics), and so is not generally available to non-Clan members. A character who knows Archery, but not Horse Archery, has his TN raised by at least 10 when firing from the back of a horse; characters who don't know how to handle a bow at all probably ought to hope for divine intervention. A similar penalty would apply if, for some reason, a character trained solely in Horse Archery were forced to fire from the ground.
Lance Unicorn - bushi (and occasionally shugenja) - use this skill when trying to lance (for example, with a yari or a naginata). Obviously, lancing an enemy can only be done from on top of a moving horse. If the Unicorn samurai succeeds in hitting his target with a lancing attack, he does not add his own strength to the roll. Instead, if his mount is charging, he rolls the weapon's DR plus the number of rounds he's charged for damage. He must also make a Strength+Lance check against a TN equal to x5 the number of rounds he charged. This extra roll is not considered an action. If the bushi fails this roll, he loses his grip on his polearm. If he fails it badly (GM's discretion), he can even be unhorsed.
Lancing from horseback is a Unicorn specialty, something they learned in distant lands. It is rare for any other Clan's samurai to use their polearm in this way, but it is not unheard of. For a non-Unicorn samurai to use a polearm as a lance, he must either have a Unicorn teach him, or else survive such an attack and make a Perception+Yarijutsu check against a TN of 30 (less 5 for every time he's seen it) and spend an Experience Point.
>Moto Sanjo - Those of Sanjo's blood always hear his maniacal laugh whenever Shadowlands creatures are near. While this acts as an early warning system (it alerts the character even if he can't see the creatures), it is also demoralizing: the character must always drop his highest die on every die roll while fighting Shadowlands creatures. The character can avoid this penalty for one day if he succeeds in passing an Honor test at TN 10.
>Moto Soro - Those with a direct tie to Moto Soro can completely ignore their wounds for a number of rounds each day equal to their Void. These rounds need not be sequential.
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Thursday, August 21, 2003
I need this shirt...and this one and these, two, and three.
half keyboard
More thoughts from PJ:
Absolutely. I'm just saying. The other benefit of Yarijutsu is that there is no range MINIMUM, something that archers have to deal with. Plus, Yarijustu allows you to use ANY spear-like weapon - Yari, Naginata, Nagimaki, Nage-yari (throwing spears), Sasumata (man-catcher) and Sode-garami (sleeve-tangler). So a shugenja carrying two or three nage-yari could throw a couple and still have one left over to fight hand-to-hand with. Whereas an archer, when overrun, is screwed.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
But, yeah, the Moto as a family have a personal grudge match against the Shadowlands, so that would work fine. They have the affinity to Water magic, which is mostly healing and such, and a deficiency to Fire magic, so that fits the criteria. And their starting spells consist of 3 Water, 2 Air (no damage, illusions and communication and such) and 1 Earth (two words: Jade Strike), so she'd be more helpful around people, but still capable of blowing holes in icky things.
And they get one "Bugei" (warrior) skill to start with, so she could take care of herself just fine in a pinch.
And she gets a pony.
Yeah, the Unicorn are the only Clan with extensive Lore of the Shadowlands and the Lying Darkness AND the lands outside of Rokugan AND they tend to travel all over the damn place, so they know the best routes.
Well, when last we left Reigen and Gaika, they had just inherited a pair of Unicorn war-horses from the Moto they had helped when the Shadowlands infested the capital city, Otosan-Uchi. So, one of the Moto from that detachment joining them would be an easy way to squeeze you in, or the sister of one of the deceased Moto from that detachment would work equally well.
So, yeah, a Moto who studied at the Iuchi shugenja school (the Unicorn shugenja family) and either served in the detachment or was related to someone in the detachment would fit perfectly.
All you gotta do now is come up with a solid amount of backstory. And I know how much you hate to write.
Friday, August 15, 2003
Classic Elite Evergreen -->wool/recycled fiber blend
Classic Elite Devon -->wool/silk blend
doll graphics
magazine organization
The Illustrated Catalog of ACME Products
notes from PJ about the Phoenix:
Fire Chicken!
You are a Phoenix. The most educated clan and arguably one of the most introspcetive and philosophical. The Phoenix, as a clan, are pacifist-scholars and sorcerors beyond compare. They have their fair share of warriors and politicians, but they are most renowned for their shugenja and holy men. The shugenja of the Phoenix are so renowned and revered that three other clans owe their sorcerous heritage to the Phoenix; the Agasha of the Dragon clan, the Asahina of the Crane and the Yogo of the Scorpion.
They prize their honor as much as any samurai would; more than the Crab and Scorpion, not as all-possessed by it as the Lion or Crane. It guides your actions, but should not rule your life. As a result of their living with honor and not FOR honor, as well as their reputation for pacifism, the Phoenix are traditionally asked to mediate disputes as they hold maintaining peace and balance above most other concerns.
The Phoenix also know their fair share of secrets. While not the "Imperial Secret Police" like the Scorpion are, rooting out traitors and schemes against the Emperor, the Phoenix hold most of the Empire's mystical knowledge in their libraries and are loathe to share it with other clans. As much as they serve "the Empire," they like their knowledge and tend to be slow in sharing it.
The Phoenix are not just the pacifistic scholarly clan, however. They do have a couple of darker sides. Matt played one, the Phoenix Inquisitors. The other side of that coin is the number of Phoenix who have succumbed to the darkness and become monsters, corrupted by their search for forbidden knowledge and overwhelmed by the taint of the Shadowlands.
The Inquisitors are always searching for the Shadowlands taint and traces of maho (blood magic) in the Empire and rooting out by any means necessary with little regard for those it may hurt or those who get in their way. Inquisitors are relentless, ruthless and merciless in their duty as they perceive themselves as the only clan fit to deal with the internal, magical threats. No other clan has the understanding of magic that the Phoenix do, and even fewer know that the founder of their line, Isawa himself, was a practitioner of blood magic himself.
The dark side of that street are those shugenja who have fallen due to their studies. During the Clan Wars (which is the period the card game started in), four of the five Elemental Masters of the Phoenix were corrupted by the Shadowlands taint they sought to understand, driving the Master of Fire, Isawa Tsuke mad with power, causing him to destroy their homes, their armies and the Council of Masters itself. Even before the Elemental Masters fell to the corruption of the black scrolls, Isawa Akuma raised the most powerful Oni ever to see this realm. Oni no Akuma is still spoken of in nightmares and tall tales as one of the most powerful and destructive servants of Fu Leng ever released on this world.
Long and tedious, but that's a general overview of the Phoenix as a clan.
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Graham, Robin Lee. World-roaming Teen-ager Sails On, National Geographic (April 1969), 449-493.
Dove, by Robin L. Graham
Picture of Dove
Karen, by Marie Killilea
With Love from Karen, by Marie Killilea
Wren, by Marie Killilea
Newf, by Marie Killilea
The Killilea Family
(review of Karen)
7th Seas Links:
The Way of the Rune Mage - fiction
History of Theah
7th Sea Stories
More 7th Sea Links
Monday, August 11, 2003
Friday, August 08, 2003
rubber duckies or global travellers? you be the judge
Microbrews - Dogfish Head's Midas Touch and Lucifer
Enterprise Car Rentals
CHICOPEE, MA 01020-5301
(413) 592-6200
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Currently leaning toward Birgitte - gotta work my WoT reference in somehow, if I'm not playing an Atha'an Miere...Annika or Annike has its charms, too.
Scandinavian Name Analysis and some more Scandinavian Baby Names
List from Baby Zone:
Adrian, Agata, Agaton, Agda, Agneta, Aina, Alexandra, Algot, Alicia, Alma, Amalia, Anna, Anna Cristina, Annali, Annalie, Annalina, Anneli, Annika, Annike, Antonetta, Astrid, Atali, Atalie, Barbro, Beata, Berit, Berta, Birget, Birgitta, Blenda, Blix, Botilda, Brigetta, Brite, Britt, Britta, Caren, Carina, Carine, Cecilia, Christina, Cristina, Dagmar, Ebba, Ebbe, Edit, Eleonora, Elin, Elisabet, Elsa, Emilia, Emma, Erika, Eva, Evelina, Filippa, Frederika, Frida, Frideborg, Fritjof, Gabriella, Gala, Gerda, Germund, Gertrud, Gota, Gote, Gotilda, Greta, Guda, Gudny, Gudrun, Gudruna, Gunilla, Gunnef, Gustava, Hakan, Hakana, Hanna, Hedwig, Helena, Helga Henrika Hilda Hildegard Hulda Inga Ingaborg Ingalill Inge Ingeborg Ingegard Inger Ingrid Johanna Judit Julia Karen Karin Karla Karolina Katarina Katrina Katrine Kaysa Kerstin Klara Kristina Lage Laura Lena Lina Lotta Lovisa Lydia Maj Maja Malena Malene Malin Margareta Margit Maria Marira Marta Martina Matilda Mikaela Monika Nanna Olga Olivia Paula Paulina Petra Petronella Pia Quenby Quinby Ragnara Ragnhild Rakel Rigmor Rigmora Rosa Rosel Roselle Rut Sibylla Signe Signild Signilda Sigrid Solveig Sonia Sonya Stella Stina Tekla Teresia Tilda Tora Trina Trind Trine Ulla Ulrika Vega Viktoria Vilhelmina Vilma Viola Virginia Viveka
PJ again: "If you can afford an astrolabe and compass when we put her on paper, sure, shouldn't be a problem. Astrolabe, compass, maps, spyglass/telescope, the whole bit. Just remember, as a Navigator/Pilot, your charts are your life."
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Monday, August 04, 2003
7th Sea Stuff
Friday, August 01, 2003
Benjamin Moore:
(Bedroom Walls)
1397 - Mighty Aphrodite
1396 - Heather Plum
1395 - Grape Ice
1655 - Blue Bay Marina
1653 - Glacier Blue
459 - Woodland Green
0456 - North Shore Green
533 - Calming Aloe
(Bedroom Trim)
(computer room walls)
091 - Tangerine Melt
140 - Fruit Punch
154 - Mango Punch
329 - Golden Orchards (yellow)
362 - St. Elmo's Fire (yellow)
349 - Yellow Brick Road
419 - Malachy Green
420 - Apple Lime Cocktail
427 - Napa Vineyards
574 - Once Upon A Time
608 - Erin Green
733 - Palm Coast Teal
782 - Blue Belle
768 - Atlantis Blue
1371 - Plum Perfect
1392 - Fire and Ice
1399 - Seduction
1398 - Charmed Violet
1657 - Niagra Falls
2026-20 - Margarita
2068-30 - Scandinavian Blue
(computer room trim)
Benjamin Moore Paints:
0.45 miles away
5.1 miles away
5.7 miles away
take pictures of old apartment, new.
26 things:
love (sleeping Matt, Matt and Virgil)
you (purple hair photo)
animal (squirrel? Luke)
little things
monument (Grampy in Santa, Emily Dickinson)
scientist cards
great low-carb book: 500 low-carb recipes: 500 recipes, from snacks to dessert, that the whole family will love by Dana Carpender
Buckminster Fuller
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
keyboard porn
LAN party article
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
fire thing (gudrun gut)
fire on the side (tori amos?)
who by fire (leonard cohen)
fire on the mountain (greatful dead?)
if you love somebody set them on fire (dead milkmen)
we didn't start the fire (billy joel)
fire your guns (AC-DC)
Light My Fire - Doors
Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash
Firestarter - Prodigy
Sleep Now in the Fire - Rage Against the Machine
I'm on Fire - Bruce Springstein
Fire - Jimi Hendrix
Paper in Fire - John Mellencamp
Fight Fire with Fire - Metallica
We Didn't Start the Fire - Billy Joel
Fire Water Burn - Bloodhound Gang
Blood and Fire - Indigo Girls
Dig for Fire - Pixies
Blood and Fire & Set me on Fire - Type O Negative
Quest for Fire - Iron Maiden
Cold Fire - Rush
Fire Woman - The Cult
Fire and Rain - James Taylor
Trial by Fire - Testament
Catching on Fire - They Might Be Giants
My Ass is on Fire - Mr. Bungle
Nation on Fire - Machine Head
Fireworks & This Wheel's on Fire - Siouxsie and the Banshees
We Threw Gasoline On The Fire And Now We Have Stumps For Arms And No Eyebrows - NoFX
Fire in Cairo - The Cure
Sit Down by the Fire - The Pogues
smoke on the water
when smoke gets in your eyes
Peace Like a River (book)
Ann's painting entry
Monday, July 28, 2003
sleepy. need brains. er, coffee.
not much new going on in my life. had an okay weekend, the highlight of which was going to see the hot pirate movie with all the fine ladies from work. after matt and i picked up a futon from from Inle_Rah, she graciously ferried me to the movie. It was amazing. totally amazing. reminds me of some of the other pirate books i've read, and johnny depp, well...damn.
NYT article on Baby Names
SSK -->
0.932% of females in the US are named Jennifer.
Around 1188300 US females are named Jennifer!
Friday, July 25, 2003
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Sunday, July 13, 2003
resume tips
Friday, July 11, 2003
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Tuesday, July 08, 2003

What rating is your journal?
brought to you by Quizilla
So, today I come into work, only to have my supervisor tell me that there's a big meeting. They are taking people off the phones, and pulling them all into one big mass by the front desk. Then the call center director gets up and tells us that this call center is closing, and everyone in it is losing their job as of September 5th.
moment of silence, panic.
For those of you keeping track, this means that both Matt and I will be jobless in 2 months.
I burst into tears, which annoyed me. Not because I was sad or scared, but because I was MAD. I was angry that this compnay dicked me over again. I was mad that I worked my butt off since I was kicked back to the phone, and none of that makes any difference. All the hard work I do here doesn't mean anything, because good or bad, all employees get the shaft.
I'm pissed.
So in an effort to make myself feel better, I planned to binge. I've always been an emotional eater. But try as I might, I can't break this diet. So I tried to binge on pork rinds...and I ended up choking on them, and coughing and gagging in the bathroom for 5 minutes.
Instead, I reverted to another bad habit. Thanks to the kindness of strangers (and friends) I have smoked a total of 3 clove cigarettes today, and I'm saving one more for my last break, where I'm going to call my mom and try not to cry. I'm trying really, really hard not to have an anxiety attack. I'm failing pretty miserably right now. I wish I could find my supervisor to beg for a quick smoke break...or if I could leave 2 hrs early...Matt wants to hang in there, but I don't know if I can really make it through the next 3 hrs.
Sunday, July 06, 2003
Virginia Woolf Bio
Harry/Draco - this one involves a love potion. I think I like the Cloak of Shadows better.
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Also found this one, too...don't know if it's any good.
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Thursday, June 26, 2003
I'm in shock:
Slytherin! You're classy to the core, favoring the
traditionally finest things the world has to
offer. While you may or may not be evil *wink*
you certainly have the power and attitude to
get what you want. You're clever as all heck,
and tend to be a couple steps ahead of even the
most astute Ravenclaw.
A More Unique Hogwarts Sorting Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Monday, June 23, 2003
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Thursday, June 12, 2003
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Sunday, June 08, 2003
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
, in Northampton
Holyoke. First Presbyterian Church
Worshiping at Skinner Chapel, Maple Street, Holyoke
Office: 300 Appleton Street
Holyoke, MA 01040
Rev. John Rodkey
(413) 532-6983
Worship: 10:30 AM (10:00 summer)
Monday, June 02, 2003
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Thursday, May 22, 2003
We'll Always Have Paris
Their Room
Hidden Behind The Mask
Made of You
Krum Do I Love?
Across The Enemy Lines
Perished Dreams by Thea
Made of You by Asuka Langley
The Keeper of My Heart by Zoe
Blood, Tears and Drowning Fears by hysenn
Draco Amaris by *Strange Charm*
Hidden Behind The Mask by Lady Sanna
Krum do I love?
toy cameras
Friday, May 16, 2003
hampshire transcript request info
umass transcript request form
shenendehowa transcript request info
suny syracuse - psychology, sociology
suny albany - spanish
starship comparison
telegram from the afterlife?
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Sarah and friends, I want to tell you about my knitting-themed zine and comic book, Slave to the Needles. The first issue has patterns for mittens, flared legwarmers (to fit over your clunky boots!), and a birth-control pill case cozy. There are also interviews with indie rock knitters like Caithlin De Marrais of Rainer Maria.
Send $2 for copying and postage ($3 outside of US) to:
Slave to the Needles
1463 E. Republican, box 131
Seattle, WA 98112
Happy stitching!
Monday, May 12, 2003
Thursday, May 08, 2003
Yours Forever, Ginny - check it out later
playing with dolls
then and now in bagdad by openbrackets, courtesy of nobody's doll (not martha)
up to here in ozy and millie
Wednesday, May 07, 2003
amazing beef article, thanks to nobody's doll
into the woods on schnoogle
things i need to do:
finish up that credit card business
mother's day mail
move my keyboard to the keyboard tray
find a wrist support thingy
bring in 2 balls of slytherin yarn
Tuesday, May 06, 2003
NISSAN SENTRA. 1994. Limited Edition, automatic, 97,000 miles, runs great. $3650. Call 546-1183.
SUBARU LEGACY L, 1994. All wheel drive, 120,000 miles, new parts. Runs great. $3300. 584-8519
Tuition and Fees
Monday, May 05, 2003
one spirit (don't need to reply) (don't need to reply)
gevalia (emailed them)
at&t universal card
migrate attbi accounts
lovecraft comic
Sunday, May 04, 2003
Wednesday, April 30, 2003
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Level | Score |
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) | Moderate |
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) | Low |
Level 2 (Lustful) | Very High |
Level 3 (Gluttonous) | High |
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) | Very Low |
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) | Moderate |
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) | Very Low |
Level 7 (Violent) | Extreme |
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) | High |
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) | Moderate |
Take the Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Test
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
email nick b.
lily of the valley song
Starmore to look at at home
florida footies pattern - heel inspiration
denise interchangeable needles
cottage st in provincetown
Monday, April 28, 2003
Thursday, April 24, 2003
make your own toiletries/cosmetics
Ugly dress links, 1, 2, 3, and 4.
"It is a nice sort of double I-cord: on 7 sts, k 4, yf, sl 3, turn work, repeat." - forgot whose blog I nabbed that from, gotta try it.
Tuesday, April 22, 2003
* "Jennie Gerhardt" and "Sister Carrie" by Theodore Dreiser
* "ghost soldiers" by hampton sides
* (operas, actually...)Aleksandr Borodin's "Prince Igor" and Modest Mussorgsky's "Boris Godunov"
The Homeschooling Revolution - a blog
up to here in DV - rereading it.
shoppint list for Webs:
cotton twist, tie dye, 5 hanks
40"+ size 9 needle for tank
bag pattern
cascade yarn for it (9456)
sock yarn for baby stuff?
possibly hanks for my first cardigan in Knit It?
for baby norgi (smallest size):
Dale Baby Ull
MC1: Cream [#0020]; 4 skeins
CC1: Light Green [#8523]; 1 skein
CC2: Dark Green [#7854]; 1 skein
16- or 24-inch circular needles in size US #0/2.0mm
16- or 24-inch circular needles in size US #1/3.0mm [or size to get gauge]
1 set dpns in size US#0/2.0mm
1 set dpns in size US#1/3.0mm
Monday, April 21, 2003
Sunday, April 20, 2003
birthday list (so far)
* afghan kit
* levenger bag (any color)
* lorna's laces sheperd sport in aslan(2 skeins)
* the rest of the lemony snicket books
* The Portable Parker - dorothy parker collection
* The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
* enameled tea kettle
Imperial Stock Ranch Yarns
"The Man Who Came To Dinner"
the U.S. No.1 on the 24th May 1979 was... Reunited by Peaches and Herb
Into the Dark - under the pen name MidnightSun (fan fic)
up to here in WAHP
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
I forgot about how much I lust after Lush.
Marvin Gaye "Here, My Dear".
Cacade 220:
7807 - deep purple
7814 - key lime
8885 - red violet
AS: Widdicombe Fair
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

TREASURER - STACEY MCGILL - You are a cold, vapid
bitch who loves only money and shiny jewelry.
You learned this from your mother who was
addicted to shopping and leeching off of your
rich father until he got sick of it and
divorced her, leaving her penniless. With your
gold-digging tendencies and general
heartlessness, you are destined to face the
same fate. Have fun!
Which Member of the Babysitters Club Are You?!?!
brought to you by Quizilla
E. LONGMEA, MA 01028
Rowan Number 32
book: Odd Girl Out
Sunday, April 13, 2003
* these phrases should be banned!
* local food reviews by stuck up Smithies
* Richard Dean Anderson
* Banana Flip - store+blog
* Pearl River Mart
* new bed
* hair dye and fallen angel
Young Dubliners
the Prodigals
Wicker Man
Eyes of Fire
Carry Me Up to Carlow
Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Poor you. You're Should The World Fail To Fall
Apart Peter. After the failure of Bauhaus
and Dali's Car with Mick Karn, life just
seemed...hopeless. An album of great but very
saddening music poured from you during this
time. All I can say is; lighten up, don't be so
paranoid, and don't kill yourself! You're too
sexy for that!
Which Peter Murphy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Monday, April 07, 2003
Thursday, April 03, 2003
Wicker Man (movie)
Mission UK remix--Justify My Love
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Monday, March 31, 2003
I amAzathoth! Known as the "Blind Idiot God", the center of all cycles known as Azathoth is the great void itself, infinite creation and inescapable oblivion made one. The Great God is without ego, as it has been embodied in a seperate consciousness as Azathoth has cast off the curse of self-awareness. Surrounded by the host of flautist servitors, piping the songs of the unknowable, Azathoth is not to be known by his aspirants. That is the purpose of another God... |
![]() |
Which Great Old One are you? |
animated short rows
patternworks: cotton twist, pony pearls, swallows
knitpicks: tartellete
naked sheep: 1 sk forest LL sport
Twined Knitting: A Swedish Folkcraft Technique by Birgitta Dandanell and Ulla Danielsson.
Sunday, March 30, 2003
UP through the front door,
Dance AROUND the back,
DOWN through the window,
and OFF jumps Jack!
library science jeopardy
library science school
bloom county?
up to here in
Thursday, March 27, 2003
dale of norway kits
amnesty international, and the US
No. #1 in my Google search for Encyclopedia Brown:
Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Pirated MP3's
also found on the site - J.D. Salinger's love letter to Britney Spears
and...The Modern Humorist Card Rack
i'm up to here in "get your war on"
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
up to here in WAHP
New chapter in Draco Veritas!!!
This rant on anti-war vs. anti-soldier sums up my feelings exactly.
Get your war on! via HellChick
old books made into journals
The name of the camcorder is:
Sony CCDTRV318 Hi8 Camcorder with 2.5" LCD and Steady Shot
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
knitting backlash?
ways to spell jennifer
celtic deities
d.i. your own damn self
remember playing M.A.S.H?
You will live in House.
You will drive a silver spyder.
You will marry vin diesel and have 4 kids.
You will be a writer in california.
2 3/4 cups bisquick
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup sour cream
Mix well,(it is quite dry, use your hands, get them messy. A spoon just doesn't cut it!) then add almost a whole package (8 ounce) of cheddar cheese or monterey jack, shredded
I tried both the cheddar and jack cheese. I liked the cheddar better. Mom liked the Jack. I can see so much to play with here. Use mild or sharp cheddar to alter the cheesy-ness. Add garlic powder. Add some spiciness to them. Try them.
Roll into breadstick shape (about 5-6 inches long) Spray sheet with Pam, cook in preheated 375 degree F. oven 15 -18 minutes. YUM!
Monday, March 24, 2003
Thursday, March 20, 2003
"Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth and easy, or that anyone who embarks on the strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events."
Sir Winston Churchill - please tell me this is a joke!
flame-chen.comso cool, almost makes me wish I was in Arizona.
"a shop of her own"...and "the business of bliss"
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
We'll Always Have Paris (up to here in wahp)
Their Room
Hidden Behind The Mask
Made of You
Krum Do I Love?
Across The Enemy Lines
Perished Dreams by Thea
Made of You by Asuka Langley
The Keeper of My Heart by Zoe
Blood, Tears and Drowning Fears by hysenn
Draco Amaris by *Strange Charm*
Hidden Behind The Mask by Lady Sanna
links to more Draco/Hermione
look for a short story called "Jon" in the New Yorker
war correspondent blog and
two games from kevin - the disturbing nunlander, and the frightening baby balance
yay new mexico - take that, homelad security!
Thursday, March 13, 2003
starting a fish tank links
getting started
tropical fish care sheet
I wish I had grabbed this domain first, for different reasons -
Lord of the Peeps - oh dear. thanks bess.
nice blog layout
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
The Quotable Bush - T-Shirts
weird and offensive t-shirts
this site is funny because of it's name -
phew. at least matt and i are doing better than this couple
thanks to alternative knitting for this quote from the green fairy:
"I have long stopped being shocked by the truly sickening righteous indignation these religious anti-abortion people have and the nasty, vindictive methods they'll use to achieve their aims under the banner of 'Christianity', but I'll never get over the horrifying lack of web design skills they always seem to display".
email jenn about shopping
email kris about things people fight about
happy coincidences
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
how to create celtic knots
how to cross stitch a dung beetle
craft math
cutest dog page ever
Monday, March 10, 2003 blog and other templates.
ideas for creating own template...from
daylight and twilight
clever quotes, including some Balzac quotes
Le PĆØre Goriot (1835) - Balzac
reading Balzac diary
car shopping
limerick notes:
sheep to barn = yarn
Sunday, March 09, 2003
As Bonnie Greer said recently on BBC2's Newsnight Review: "Art isn't what you do while you're waiting to pick the kids up from school."
resume tutor
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
get movable type to work.
You are never too old for glow-in-the-dark-stars.
Chronicles of Narnia.
Monday, March 03, 2003
National Budget Simulator, thanks to Kris
Muesem of Science Egyptian Exhibit...and exhibit info
Sunday, March 02, 2003
Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier
Intriguing item from squiblog:
5. framed picture of a man in a beret walking his pet rabbit on the champs de mars below the eiffel tower [circa 1930]
make your own bras
why nerds are unpopular - link thanks to fillyjonk
books into journals. I *heart* this site. What's uber-freaky is I've read that edition of Hellen Keller.
Tuesday, February 25, 2003
story blog?
Illustrated Cranford
send to jenn - knitting and fimo
I was listening to music as I swept the kitchen floor.
I was needing a shampoo and I was pushing 44.
And I had one of those flashes that hits you now and then
About experience manquƩ and certain sadly missing men.
And I realized in horror as I stroked my double chin,
Leonard Cohen's never gonna bring my groceries in!
from "Leonard Cohen's Never Gonna Bring My Groceries In!" by Nancy White
about food critics: "These critics are like eunuchs: They know what to do but they can't do it."
write to:
Thursday, February 20, 2003
blog crazy
weird search for blogchalking brought up this entry for this Smith alum...
article I got from some blog.
some blog
where the hell did my job go?
music notes culled from amazon:
nick cave: Babe, I'm On Fire
On previous outings, Sparklehorse mastermind Mark Linkous was weird, but his recent near-death experience has rendered him weird and morbidly effervescent, a combination he puts to good effect on Good Morning Spider
And She Closed Her Eyes [IMPORT] ~ Stina Nordenstam
"Monkey Gone To Heaven" ~ pixies
all you ever wanted to know about king cakes but were afraid to ask. courtesy of rob, who is doing his best to be my new personal hero.
Wednesday, February 19, 2003, linked from
D.I.Y. fisheye, and an interesting blog
honkycracker, an interesting diary, linked from, um, rats...i forgot, someone else's diary
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Feast of St. Angilbert, who fathered two children on Charlemagne's daughter Bertha.
rosemary balm i found through random links...
scary, but I think I know him. The question is, do I know the artist?
When I read these, I laughed as hard as a hyena on nitrous oxide.
Diaryland Cast pages
yarnporn knit history, gallery
Sunday, February 16, 2003
moon phases calendar
another mommy diary
why joe millionaire is bad for you
oopsy daisy
amused by this woman's Epinions
Kali's Web Shoppe - site design tips and css properties.
BlogPlates Web ring
blog templates at little hands dot com
Bonus question - Where did this quote come from?
"English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar."
Wednesday, February 12, 2003
another news archive site
Heir Baron Munchausen rescue effort (two links)
Satan's Silence: Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt
by Debbie Nathan, Michael Snedeker
Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary Legend
by Jeffrey S. Victor
Final Analysis: The Making and Unmaking of a Psychoanalyst
by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson
anti-psychotherapy links
word test
* valentines
* clean off dining room table
* organize knitting
* doctor stuff
* computer room
Monday, February 10, 2003
The Devil in the White City
Sunday, February 09, 2003
Thursday, February 06, 2003
print this out!!
children's song lyrics
fic archives and more fic archives
Tuesday, February 04, 2003
Monday, February 03, 2003
more fic
william gibson on space travel, and tragedy
trying to get a handle on perl
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