Friday, June 28, 2002
I'm this farin sinfest...
another yarn site
another free pattern site
knit baby project?
round baby afghan - wish I'd found it earlier
quilted patterns and stuff
don't forget herrschners
One Fine Yarn
fabulous free patterns from lion brand yarn
"About" free patterns
more knitting and yarn comes through with a corset list
more corset links
tremendously detailed instructions
more corset info than you can shake a stick at
looks like a good one to start with
history and such of stays
i must see if i can find this book - Corsets and Crinolines by Norah Waugh
365 Knitting Stitches a Year Perpetual Calendar
amazon has such great lists
Quilts From The Civil War: 10 Projects, Historical Notes, Diary Entries by Barbara Brackman
I know this sounds weird, but here is a cool pattern for patio chair slip covers
my obsession of the minute...knitting things
another yarn site
another free pattern site
knit baby project?
round baby afghan - wish I'd found it earlier
quilted patterns and stuff
don't forget herrschners
One Fine Yarn
fabulous free patterns from lion brand yarn
"About" free patterns
more knitting and yarn
more corsets...i just can't stop! comes through with a corset list
more corset links
tremendously detailed instructions
more corset info than you can shake a stick at
looks like a good one to start with
history and such of stays
i must see if i can find this book - Corsets and Crinolines by Norah Waugh
365 Knitting Stitches a Year Perpetual Calendar
amazon has such great lists
Quilts From The Civil War: 10 Projects, Historical Notes, Diary Entries by Barbara Brackman
I know this sounds weird, but here is a cool pattern for patio chair slip covers
Thursday, June 27, 2002
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
I dare you to pump up your receptivity, Gemini. I invite you to stoke your hunger for the perceptions and signals you normally filter out; to tune in to the subtexts and overtones of every situation you find yourself in. It may sound simple, but it'll require high levels of courage and willpower. Here are a few hints that might help: Make curiosity your guiding virtue. Intensify your desire to listen - I mean really listen. Be eager to find out what motivates everyone you encounter. Become wildly surprisable.
corset fiction
saw this yesterday, just around the corner. (ed sent me the link) i used to work at the dunkin donuts inside.
duct tape contest (!!)
interesting animation link from kevin
awesome directory
more links
meg NEEDS this link
corset links
can't gethere from i don't know how good it is
mostly initalian, but goregeous!
very nice clothes, but in britain :(
the corsetorium web ring
if i'm ever in Seattle, i'll go
amazing jewelry...i want everything in slave bells!
goth web master?
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" - somehow, that got me here
blah another web ring
piercing jewelry
tight skirts, not quite my thing, but some nice pix
c p C p p p D D C C p p C C p p G p p
phantom of the opera
Adams family theme
+ C + e + C a F + d p p b B + d B g E + c p p + c + C + e + C a F + d p p + c B g A b + C
AHA Take on me
a a f D D G G g b b +c +c +d +c +c +c A F A A a g g a g a a f D D G G g b b +c +c +d +C
duct tape contest (!!)
interesting animation link from kevin
cool clothes (mostly corsets)
awesome directory
more links
meg NEEDS this link
corset links
can't gethere from i don't know how good it is
mostly initalian, but goregeous!
very nice clothes, but in britain :(
the corsetorium web ring
if i'm ever in Seattle, i'll go
amazing jewelry...i want everything in slave bells!
goth web master?
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" - somehow, that got me here
blah another web ring
piercing jewelry
tight skirts, not quite my thing, but some nice pix
c p C p p p D D C C p p C C p p G p p
phantom of the opera
Adams family theme
+ C + e + C a F + d p p b B + d B g E + c p p + c + C + e + C a F + d p p + c B g A b + C
AHA Take on me
a a f D D G G g b b +c +c +d +c +c +c A F A A a g g a g a a f D D G G g b b +c +c +d +C
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
the pirates of penzance - dr. seuss style
the persecution and assassination of jean-paul marat as performed by the inmates of the asylum of charenton under the direction of the marquis de sade
the definitive online tam lin resource
the lady's not for burning, by Christopher Fry
Fry, Christopher - playwright (
On poetry: "Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement."
- The Boy with a Cart
- Curtmantle
- The Dark Is Light Enough
- The Firstborn
- The Lady's not for Burning, 1949
- A Phoenix too Frequent
- A Sleep of Prisoners
- Thor, with Angels
- Venus Observed
some info about John Keats
Terri Windling's site, complete with bibliography
how to taste vodka properly
Keats' Letter to Fanny
this book has been the first in a long time to make me feel the pain of breaking up, and seeing your lover sleep with someone else. that betrayal that i lived on a daily basis so long ago...
both kevin and blogger mentioned this
the persecution and assassination of jean-paul marat as performed by the inmates of the asylum of charenton under the direction of the marquis de sade
the definitive online tam lin resource
the lady's not for burning, by Christopher Fry
Fry, Christopher - playwright (
On poetry: "Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement."
- The Boy with a Cart
- Curtmantle
- The Dark Is Light Enough
- The Firstborn
- The Lady's not for Burning, 1949
- A Phoenix too Frequent
- A Sleep of Prisoners
- Thor, with Angels
- Venus Observed
some info about John Keats
Terri Windling's site, complete with bibliography
how to taste vodka properly
Keats' Letter to Fanny
this book has been the first in a long time to make me feel the pain of breaking up, and seeing your lover sleep with someone else. that betrayal that i lived on a daily basis so long ago...
both kevin and blogger mentioned this
Friday, June 21, 2002

i'm a hamster.what kinda pet are you?
quiz made by muna.

Find out which Xena girl you are.

Second finger eh? The index/main finger, making you the reliable one, the one whom everyone can depend on. Pretty down to earth though sometimes your reliability gets too much for others to bear and they think it's strange how much you plan.
Which finger are you?
Take the quiz to find out.
It's hard to get to know you, but once people do, they're in for a wild ride. You had a rough childhood, and it reflects in your speech and mannerisms- you're focused on things like whores and crack babies, which fascinates people at first but may ultimately drive them away. Despite your somewhat depraved outward persona, you're a truly decent person who craves and deserves love and friendships. |
Which Pixies song are you?

this cd reminds me of why i like the cure so much in the first place.
here are more cure tribute albums
er...eyepatch girls?
interesting comic of it are kind of the dangerous lives of altar boys-lite. and i'm referring to the book (soon to be a major feature film), not the sad truth. i find it very amusing that amazon bundles it with the virgin suicides
the whole elizabeth smart thing...the media is upset that the police aren't revealing more, but hey, who wants to tip off the kidnapper?
i also adore this album, with the cover of "lucky star" by switchblade symphony. i want to strip to this song.
ooh...80's music site
oh my...i think i might need one of these
ooh, kind of a nice baking site
kris always sends out the coolest links
christmas shopping potential

I'm exceptionally artistic!
Find your soul type at

I am Rapunzel!
Find your fairy tale character at
Thursday, June 20, 2002
origami boulder from ed
I had a driving lesson today. It went okay. Today I could back up in a straight line, but my turns were too wide.
bottle brush
sarah pirtle
yay! adam ant
1979 - Dirk Wears White Sox
1980 - Kings of the Wild Frontier
1981 - Prince Charming
1982 - Friend Or Foe
1983 - Strip
1985 - Vive Le Rock
1990 - Manners And Physique
1990 - Antics In The Forbidden Zone
1994 - B-Side Babies
1995 - Wonderful
Antics In The Forbidden Zone (Epic) - ah, the first love of my life...voltron - and joy! david the gnome
Alasdair Gillis -count, count duckula"dangermouse, powerhouse, he's the greatest secret agent in the world!" - the great mouse detective - howard the duck - pretty in pink - real genius
i am

what sexual performer are you?
i am

microsoft OS are you?
i am

href="">what poo are you?
Ericsson Help:
To input a tone into your Ericsson phone, follow the key press instructions on the Ringtones text display page.
The following phone keys correspond to the following functions :
The Number keys, 1 - 9 will insert notes into the ringtone sequence. 1 gives a C and 9 a high D. Holding down a number key will make the note longer.
The # key will increase or decrease the pitch in steps of one semitone. Press once to make a note a sharp (#), and twice to make it a flat (b), pressing three times will return the note to its normal pitch.
The << and >> keys allow you to scroll backward and forward within the ringtone's sequence of notes. Press and hold either to jump to the beginning or end.
The Zero key will move a note up or down one octave. A + sign is added before a note name if the octave has been raised.
The CLEAR key will erase the note to the left of the cursor.
NOTE : Pressing and holding the CLR button will erase the entire sequence.
Back to top
Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK
c c c c c c c c C p p p # a # a # a # a # a # a # a # a A p a G p g F
g p g g g p d p e p c p D p p b p b b b p g p a p # f p G p
b b +#D b p +#C a p p p p p p p p p b b b b A b
1 - c
2 - d
3 - e
4 - f
5 - g
6 - a
7 - b
8 - +c
9 - +d
0 -
* - p
# -
origami boulder from ed
I had a driving lesson today. It went okay. Today I could back up in a straight line, but my turns were too wide.
bottle brush
sarah pirtle
yay! adam ant
1979 - Dirk Wears White Sox
1980 - Kings of the Wild Frontier
1981 - Prince Charming
1982 - Friend Or Foe
1983 - Strip
1985 - Vive Le Rock
1990 - Manners And Physique
1990 - Antics In The Forbidden Zone
1994 - B-Side Babies
1995 - Wonderful
Antics In The Forbidden Zone (Epic) - ah, the first love of my life...voltron - and joy! david the gnome
Alasdair Gillis -count, count duckula"dangermouse, powerhouse, he's the greatest secret agent in the world!" - the great mouse detective - howard the duck - pretty in pink - real genius

what sexual performer are you?

microsoft OS are you?

href="">what poo are you?
Ericsson Help:
To input a tone into your Ericsson phone, follow the key press instructions on the Ringtones text display page.
The following phone keys correspond to the following functions :
The Number keys, 1 - 9 will insert notes into the ringtone sequence. 1 gives a C and 9 a high D. Holding down a number key will make the note longer.
The # key will increase or decrease the pitch in steps of one semitone. Press once to make a note a sharp (#), and twice to make it a flat (b), pressing three times will return the note to its normal pitch.
The << and >> keys allow you to scroll backward and forward within the ringtone's sequence of notes. Press and hold either to jump to the beginning or end.
The Zero key will move a note up or down one octave. A + sign is added before a note name if the octave has been raised.
The CLEAR key will erase the note to the left of the cursor.
NOTE : Pressing and holding the CLR button will erase the entire sequence.
Back to top
Sex Pistols Anarchy in the UK
c c c c c c c c C p p p # a # a # a # a # a # a # a # a A p a G p g F
g p g g g p d p e p c p D p p b p b b b p g p a p # f p G p
b b +#D b p +#C a p p p p p p p p p b b b b A b
1 - c
2 - d
3 - e
4 - f
5 - g
6 - a
7 - b
8 - +c
9 - +d
0 -
* - p
# -
Wednesday, June 19, 2002
cutting...i remember when...
two bits from an article on cutting:
And in Emma Forrest's new novel, Think Skin, a film star called Ruby cuts her arms, legs and belly with knives. The character is drawn from the author's own battles with depression and self-harm.
Richey Edwards in Manic Street Preachers (who once carved '4 Real' into his forearm, and has been missing for seven years),
I scored 10/16 - 62.5%. Pretty good!
nick showed me this site
leopard print platform sneaks
lust! mary jane-y type shoes
interesting shoe store
lusty lust lust lust lust
more fairy tale links
jane yolen's briar rose
more slash
two bits from an article on cutting:
And in Emma Forrest's new novel, Think Skin, a film star called Ruby cuts her arms, legs and belly with knives. The character is drawn from the author's own battles with depression and self-harm.
Richey Edwards in Manic Street Preachers (who once carved '4 Real' into his forearm, and has been missing for seven years),
I scored 10/16 - 62.5%. Pretty good!
nick showed me this site
leopard print platform sneaks
lust! mary jane-y type shoes
interesting shoe store
lusty lust lust lust lust
more fairy tale links
jane yolen's briar rose
more slash
Tuesday, June 18, 2002
. After I saw teenagers Tatum O'Neal and Kristy McNichol in Little Darlings (the perfect butch-femme dyke couple),
summer camp - for grown-ups
the free will astrology horoscope for me:
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
The Amish people follow strict customs that dramatically set them apart from the rest of us. In a quest for simplicity, they refrain from using electricity and driving cars. Their clothes are ascetic and old-fashioned, and they don't use alcohol or drugs. Even battery-operated TVs are taboo, since they'd allow Amish households to be invaded by our culture's vulgarity. Yet these understated folks also have a tradition called rumspringa, or "running around." At age 16, every member of the community is given the opportunity to try on the crazy values of the outside world. If, after a period of carousing, they decide they prefer the quiet life they grew up with, they're welcomed back. I encourage you to consider going on your own version of rumspringa in the coming weeks, Gemini. Escape from your familiar customs, and try on beliefs and styles you've always wondered about.
For complete transcriptions of these and other erotic poems from ancient times to the present, seek out The Erotic Spirit, an excellent and informative anthology edited by Sam Hamill, Shambhala Publications, 1996.
The Endicott Studio
The Armless Maiden
The Power of Myth
The Wolfen
by Whitley Strieber
"What is so harmful about paper covering rock?"
Rock Paper Scissors around the world:
summer camp - for grown-ups
the free will astrology horoscope for me:
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
The Amish people follow strict customs that dramatically set them apart from the rest of us. In a quest for simplicity, they refrain from using electricity and driving cars. Their clothes are ascetic and old-fashioned, and they don't use alcohol or drugs. Even battery-operated TVs are taboo, since they'd allow Amish households to be invaded by our culture's vulgarity. Yet these understated folks also have a tradition called rumspringa, or "running around." At age 16, every member of the community is given the opportunity to try on the crazy values of the outside world. If, after a period of carousing, they decide they prefer the quiet life they grew up with, they're welcomed back. I encourage you to consider going on your own version of rumspringa in the coming weeks, Gemini. Escape from your familiar customs, and try on beliefs and styles you've always wondered about.
For complete transcriptions of these and other erotic poems from ancient times to the present, seek out The Erotic Spirit, an excellent and informative anthology edited by Sam Hamill, Shambhala Publications, 1996.
The Endicott Studio
The Armless Maiden
The Power of Myth
The Wolfen
by Whitley Strieber
"What is so harmful about paper covering rock?"
Rock Paper Scissors around the world:
Friday, June 14, 2002
Just enter Offer Code LC76 on the Shopping Cart Page
To track the status of your check order, revisit
lamp shade pattern
Plot Summary for Svezia, inferno e paradiso (1968)
Edmund Purdom narrates a documentary about Sweden. It shows contraceptives for teen girls, lesbian nightclubs, wife swapping, porno movies, biker gangs, and Walpurgis Night celebrations. It also examines Swedens drug, drinking and high suicide problems. It featured the Swedish nonsense song "Mah-Na Mah-Na" later used on the "Sesame Street" Show.
ghostbusters slash
To track the status of your check order, revisit
lamp shade pattern
Plot Summary for Svezia, inferno e paradiso (1968)
Edmund Purdom narrates a documentary about Sweden. It shows contraceptives for teen girls, lesbian nightclubs, wife swapping, porno movies, biker gangs, and Walpurgis Night celebrations. It also examines Swedens drug, drinking and high suicide problems. It featured the Swedish nonsense song "Mah-Na Mah-Na" later used on the "Sesame Street" Show.
ghostbusters slash
Sunday, June 09, 2002
Saturday, June 08, 2002
Thursday, June 06, 2002
AMAZING star wars article, beautifully making a point i was trying to explain last week
my yahoo calendar...I think I'm gonna put this up on my RCN page.
my yahoo calendar...I think I'm gonna put this up on my RCN page.
Wednesday, June 05, 2002
money saving tips
dead milkmen
due june 9th or 10th
Part 1: What are the similarities and differences between Rogers' and Maslow's interpretation of "self actualization"?
Part 2: Explain the role of "self-concept" in Rogers' theory of personality.
Part 3: What is the relation between Kelly's "personal constructs" and personality?
Part 4: What is the "self schema" in cognitive psychology and how does it relate to personality?
Part 5: How does cognitive psychology explain how cognitions influence behavior?
DOCUMENT by: Jeffrey Cohen
Subject: Term Paper - Due: June 23
As was stated in the Syllabus, the topic for the term paper is The Application of Personality Theories to Counseling and Therapy. In this paper, which should be 5 - 10 pages long, you will be expected to:
Discuss how each of the theoretical perspectives covered in the course applies to counseling and therapy for behavioral problems.
Interview two clinical practitioners from the fields of Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling, or Social Work and describe how they use personality theory in their work.
Provide your own personal opinion regarding which theory provides the best basis for counseling and therapy.
money saving tips
dead milkmen
due june 9th or 10th
Part 1: What are the similarities and differences between Rogers' and Maslow's interpretation of "self actualization"?
Part 2: Explain the role of "self-concept" in Rogers' theory of personality.
Part 3: What is the relation between Kelly's "personal constructs" and personality?
Part 4: What is the "self schema" in cognitive psychology and how does it relate to personality?
Part 5: How does cognitive psychology explain how cognitions influence behavior?
DOCUMENT by: Jeffrey Cohen
Subject: Term Paper - Due: June 23
As was stated in the Syllabus, the topic for the term paper is The Application of Personality Theories to Counseling and Therapy. In this paper, which should be 5 - 10 pages long, you will be expected to:
Discuss how each of the theoretical perspectives covered in the course applies to counseling and therapy for behavioral problems.
Interview two clinical practitioners from the fields of Psychiatry, Psychology, Counseling, or Social Work and describe how they use personality theory in their work.
Provide your own personal opinion regarding which theory provides the best basis for counseling and therapy.
Tuesday, June 04, 2002
kiwis are so weird because God made them...not because they evolved that way or anything.
watch paint peel
My Mob Names:
"Angry Jenn" Perrault
Jenn "the Bull" Perrault
"Rusty Jenn" Perrault
Jenn "the Taskmaster" Perrault
"Fearless Jenn" Perrault
fairy gothmothers...
corporate goth
goth arts and crafts
goth hunting
the one where we spend too much time looking up fursuits
wherein we find the fursuit webring
she's crafty
more furrieness than you can shake a stick at
one more furrie link
watch paint peel
My Mob Names:
"Angry Jenn" Perrault
Jenn "the Bull" Perrault
"Rusty Jenn" Perrault
Jenn "the Taskmaster" Perrault
"Fearless Jenn" Perrault
fairy gothmothers...
corporate goth
goth arts and crafts
goth hunting
the one where we spend too much time looking up fursuits
wherein we find the fursuit webring
she's crafty
more furrieness than you can shake a stick at
one more furrie link
Monday, June 03, 2002
![Click to find out which test you are [If I were an online test, I would be The James Bond Villain Personality Test]](
I'm The James Bond Villain Personality Test!
I live in a fictional world of spies and blonde women with ridiculous names, and I like to give people plenty of options. Although whether they're villainous is not optional.
It's funny, with Matt gone, I sit at his computer, and for the two days before he left, he sat at mine.
Let me explain the difference - He has a 15" monitor that can handle 1200 by whatever resolution, where as my sweet little baby of a monitor is 13", with a max screen resolution of 800 by 600. I'll give you all a moment to pause in silence while you contemplate the horror of my monitor status. Sometimes I can catch it refreshing. On a resolution that low. Another moment of silence. So what is the appeal of my computer? Well, it has the Sims on it, which Matt's does not. And, thanks to its amazing Athalon XP 1600mhz processor and Windows XP pro, it boots in about 30 seconds. And its next to the kitchen. If Matt's feeling clingy, which lately he has been, he can sit a my computer while I putter in the kitchen. Then why am I at Matt's computer, when my paragon of processer virtue is so much faster, and so much more my own?
You can actually see the tv from Matt's puter.
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