Tuesday, December 31, 2002
Monday, December 30, 2002
mavav.org - once they actually post articles, I think this may be a scary site
Links for Daler Mehdni - will need to research this more :daler.com/sitenew.html and dalermehndi.com
one word - what a beautiful idea. can you find me?
to do list:
instant mashed potatoes
corn dog sticks (?)
My goodness! I googled one of my usernames this morning...I found that I had at least one whole page of google responses. Hot Damn.
Sunday, December 29, 2002
blogging bitches
fly guy animation
next chapter in draco sinister
Ratcatcher - I should rent it.
madgab's - I love their lip lube and I desperately want one of these gift sets.
"female trouble" - a movie w/ divine
food 101 - link from nick
referrer system
Also, B-Side from the perks of being a wallflower by Stephrn Chbosky:
Asleep by the Smiths
Vapour Trail by Ride
Scarborough Fair by Simon & Garfunkel
A Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum
Time of No Reply by Nick Drake
Dear Prudence by the Beatles
Gypsy by Suzanne Vega
Nights in White Satin by the Moody Blues
Daydream by Smashing Pumpkins
Dusk by Genesis (pre-phil collins)
MLK by U2
Blackbird by the Beatles
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Asleep by the Smiths
A-Side...what would I put on the A-side? Maybe all the songs I could find from Lost Souls - just to round it out.
my amazon wish list
Monday, December 23, 2002
Sunday, December 22, 2002
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
finish wrapping presents
print out card labels
work on websites
get stuff down from angelfire
make photo pages of knit stuff
to be done by friday:
presents wrapped
cards in the mail
package for c.c. in the mail
50 yucky people
wil wheaton interview
cute clothes for kids - oilily
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
Monday, December 16, 2002
At the end of his film, "La Belle et la Bete", Jean Cocteau adds a twist.
When the Prince asks Beauty if she is happy (with his transformation), she closes her eyes and answers: "I shall have to get used to it."
Ordinary beauty cannot easily replace the terrible beauty that had won her heart. We share her secret disappointment.
peanut butter cookies - no bake
Cranberry Cookies
Submitted by: Barbara Williams
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup butter, softened
2/3 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2 Tbsp. milk
1/4 cup orange juice
3 cups fresh cranberries, chopped
2/3 cup chopped walnuts
Combine flour, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Cream together butter and sugars. Add egg, milk, orange juice and mix
well. Slowly add flour mixture and mix well. Stir in cranberries and walnuts. Drop teaspoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet
and bake for 10 - 15 minutes at 375 degrees.
Sunday, December 15, 2002
**Neopets Wish list**
Desert Aisha Morphing Potion
Striped Kau Morphing Potion
Cloud Paint Brush
Fire, Fire, Your Pants On Fire Paint Brush
Glass Paint Brush
Strawberry Fields Forever Paint Brush
Starry Paint Brush
Halloween Paint Brush
White Petpet Paint Brush
Faerie Paint Brush
Golden Paint Brush
Lost Desert Paint Brush
Brown Paint Brush
Green Petpet Paint Brush
Blue Petpet Paint Brush
Pink Petpet Paint Brush
Yellow Petpet Paint Brush
Brown Petpet Paint Brush
Halloween Petpet Paint Brush
Faerie Petpet Paint Brush
Purple Petpet Paint Brush
Christmas Petpet Paint Brush
Red Petpet Paint Brush
Black Petpet Paint Brush
Tyrannian Paint Brush
Grey Petpet Paint Brush
Cloud Petpet Paint Brush
Mutant Petpet Paint Brush
Robot Petpet Paint Brush
Spotted Petpet Paint Brush
Tyrannian Petpet Paint Brush
Baby Paint Brush
Pirate Paint Brush
Mystery Island Paint Brush
Orange Paint Brush
Pink Paint Brush
Ghost Paint Brush
Plushie Paint Brush
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
Visual Thesaurus
- ex: http://mustang.server.youaremyfriend.com/ or http://zuul.youaremyfriend.com/
- if you have sound, it's even better.
Song list for Rachel
artist Title
All Just Perfect (live)
Sex in the Way (live)
Fool (live)
She's my Ex (live)
Box (live)
Danzig Mother
Twist of Cain
Fugazi And the Same
Shut the Door
Waiting Room
Descendents Sour Grapes (live)
Pep Talk (live)
Clean Sheets (live)
Get the Time (live)
Ramones Punishment Fit the Crime
Pet Cemetery
Merry Christmas
Misfits 20 Eyes
Minor Threat No Place Like Home
Look Back and Laugh
Angry Samoans Lights Out
Agent Orange Bite the Hand that Feeds
Tuesday, December 10, 2002
jimmy carter's speech
To Do Tonight:
* run dryer
* turn heel on green sock
* wash my cat's butt (how gross)
* straighten 40" circulars
* lay out outfit for tomorrow
* Facial mask!!
* possible computer room organizing
* scoop litter box
To Do Tomorrow:
* Call clinic
* iron napkins
* shower
* vacuum couches
* possible computer room organizing
* more laundry!
* mail those bills!
* pay chase bill online
To Do Thursday:
* decorate the tree
* more laundry!
Monday, December 09, 2002
t-shirt for matt from shopodd.com?
amazing view of earth from the space station
Sunday, December 08, 2002
* burn the Immaculate collection for Nicole
* Amy wants the new Christina Aguilera CD
there are some watches here - fossil.com
note: like a prayer; mexican radio are the originals; goodie two shoes sounds the same
pay bills
order from drugstore.com (sarah and eric)
amazon.com (cd for amy, toy for maddy)
yves rocher (for julie)
Friday, December 06, 2002
Thursday, December 05, 2002
swedish journal - How to learn Swedish in 1000 difficult lessons
another scandinavian journal
(lots of scandinavia in the air)
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
random site - interesting use of multimedia
warm things - oooh
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid On Earth; by Chris Ware
Tongue First: Adventures in Physical Culture; by Emily Jenkins
20 Strange and Wonderful Books: a list for math and science geeks
this weeks mommy chronicles
Monday, December 02, 2002
peppermint bark
cranberry cookies
"Jacaras: 18th Century Spanish Baroque Guitar Music of Santiago De Murcia"
advent calendar
moreCrayons.com = more colors for the web
cool soaps. i should order some for christmas - pisces soaps
online version of Of Human Bondage - and its not about what you think its about.
some ravenclaw centric fan fiction at Birds of a Feather
a new shockwave game to try later - queue
up to chapter 9 in Draco Sinister
Sunday, December 01, 2002
nigerian spam and more spam
bizarre bazaar
interesting links
handmade, customizable bags
start of a letter to kelly n:
I'll admit it. I've been a horrible correspondent lately, and I'm sorry. Just going through a mild depression/panic about everything, and time is just getting away from me. I'll think of doing something, and the next thing I know, a week has passed.
Work sucks.
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
wayyy too much info about harry potter - here and here. - thanks, kris
Links from nick, about critical thinking and the decline of the english language!
note to self: change this to rainbow (with munky picture?) and the knitting to something else.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
Monday, November 25, 2002
Sunday, November 24, 2002
Simon Winchester's The Professor and the Madman
historical fiction links
knitblog construction notes:
Favorite Online Shops:
(patternworks, knitpicks, one fine yarn)
Real-Life Yarn Shops:
(webs, northampton Wools, the creative needle)
Favorite Knit Blogs:
Favorite knitting related sites:
Thursday, November 21, 2002
Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
and two games from Kevin - Adventure and Toboggan Jump
90's museum - funny!
the kids from harry potter
chapter 15 draco/hermione
Monday, November 18, 2002
Thursday, November 14, 2002
food tally:
one krispy kreme glazed donut
2 cups coffee, one w/ 5 creamers and 3 sugars
wrap sandwich - roast beef, provolone, lettuce and tomato
bowl of broccoli/cheese soup
1 apple
1 watermelon strawberry snapple - 24o calories, yipe!
peanuts - way too many:(
another donut
Phew. The diet stuff is okay today, as long as I can limit myself to the peanuts on my desk OR a rice cake or beer later...but the excersize pretty much kicked my butt. I only did 10 minutes on the elliptical (ouch) and now my throat is raw and painful. Sigh.
and a mere two hours later, I ate another donut and made myself sad. There is no excuse for two donuts, except that I didn't pack a lunch, and the apple and peanuts were not enough lunch for me. Oh, and I'm too lazy to microwave the soup in my desk drawer.
You are a beautiful person, in a wistful kind of way. If you could, you would spend all your time daydreaming and writing poetry. You are a tragic beauty.
You are sensitive and caring, and you don't take insults well. You don't smile much, but when you do, you really mean it.
People like to be around you because you are a calming influence. You have an appreciation for all things beautiful, and you probably have some potted plants. You also most likely own a cat.
You like Sundays and hot tea. You will spend your entire life yearning for quiet beauty, which is a rarity in this world, so you read a lot.
Everyone you know thinks you're "nice."
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
pasta pasta pasta
i'm going to mars! well, sort of.
beaded, tasselled trim out the wazoo!
Sunday, November 10, 2002
Amazingly cool site - soyouwanna.com
Curves For Women in Holyoke:
225 South ST
Holyoke MA
so you wanna learn yoga basics - and yoga instruction in Holyoke
Monday, November 04, 2002
Get together with your family members and have each person write down five of his or her favorite main-dish meals. When you're ready to plan your meals each week, simply choose at least one meal from everyone's list. Your family will feel like they each have a say in 'what's for dinner.' It's a fair way to ensure everyone gets one of his or her favorite meals at least once a week, and it will make meal planning easier for you.
girl gaming article
color picker
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
Sunday, October 27, 2002
when i'm hungover, like today, i feel like...MIDDLE!!
powells authors
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
fix Virgil link on Angelfire...project.society
cool link from Nick - bottle village
Sunday, October 20, 2002
Floria Sigismondi
retro fabrics - and bettie page buttons
the ultimate in yarnporn
you can buy decoribbon, and circus here...
Monday, October 14, 2002
cookie - 4
Iron Jenny Kidd (If I take it like a guy who likes parrots, I'm Iron John Flint)
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you are that person. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Thursday, October 10, 2002
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
The Turk by Tom Standage
making lip balm
knitting meetup? http://www.meetup.com/
171 Pine St
Holyoke, Massachusetts 01040
Vincent Olinski, Executive Director
Louis Gorman, Chief Volunteer Officer
Hours of Operation: M-F: 6:00am to 10:00pm
Sat: 7:00am to 6:00pm
Sun: 12:00pm to 5:00pm
* * * * * *
hiragana alphabet
knitting resources
Monday, October 07, 2002
sew geeky dot com
Sunday, October 06, 2002
* one more domain, and hosting
* blogger pro for hippygoth knits
Maybe this year I'll try NaNoWriMo
css templates
more css stuff
really great beginning CSS infor
yet more css with some sweet floating thumbnail tips
another css link
Thursday, October 03, 2002
real life article
i love love love love this song. Definitely relate, definitely in the top 10.
reason #82 why kevvy k rocks the hizzouse: potato soup
winnie the pooh printable stuff
everyone should click on this link. i promise it is very good.
Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Which ArchAngel are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla
books to get from the library
by Bharati Mukherjee
Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life
by Christian B. Allan, Wolfgang Lutz
Monday, September 30, 2002
cyber fashion ring. small, but interesting.
its not the ultimate sacrifice, its twisted self pity. i mean that in the nicest way possible. -jcp
Sunday, September 29, 2002
copied from someone's blog...which I'll link as soon as I remember...domestic?
Take some lentils. Simmer them for 30-45 minutes (your lentils may vary). Drain.
Saute up some chopped onions, chopped dried apricots (or dried fruit of choice), cinnamon, cumin, paprika and cayenne. Add the lentils and some broth (according to what your couscous pkg says), bring to boil. Add couscous. Cover and remove from heat. Wait 5 minutes. Stir in some chopped parsley and serve.
This makes a good stuffing for eggplants, zucchinis, or roasted peppers. You can substitute drained canned chickpeas if you want it done fast.
I hope Madison's dedication went well. I really wish I could have come, but I HAD to be at work at 1pm. Matt and I got back from Florida last week, and we've been on the go since then! I haven't had a chance to get all the pictures online in a way that's easy to see, but I hope to do that soon!
DIY silkscreening
quote of the day, from the diy fashion LJ:
You would think retro 8-bit fruit patches would be more common. -hepkitten
Friday, September 27, 2002
hot damn. this guy's stuff is cool.
up to here in the sluggy harry potter thread
d-land template links
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
site to check out later
resume bloopers from monster.com
work out site...it's a pay feature, but I think it would help some people.
Monday, September 23, 2002
joe briefcase's political commentary blog
its like little drops of pain - adam
this modern world
Lighthouse Needleworks
504 Granby Road, South Hadley, MA 01075
(413) 552-3492
military domestic abuse
Friday, September 13, 2002
interesting knitting site/blog
i really like her awards list
I randomly found a blog with this quote:
"i have a passionate love affair with ice cream, but am seeing fresh, summer fruit on the side."
I thought it was fabulous.
Thursday, September 12, 2002
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
first, I mourned, in my own way, but here are some better things to do then watch footage over and over.
tattoo pics
Classics Online
Role of Women in the Ancient World
online knitting magazine
belly dancing school, i think.
Links galore!!
Norse Mythology links
cool painting...would match my egyptian corner.
this is cool, too. a bunch of paintings. I would love to decorate in romantic paintings, and but also egyption.
saw this in a mueseum, the clark, i think.
debate that would not die...who would win, wolvie or spidey?
i voted wolvie.
ooh, wolvie in japan.
Thursday, September 05, 2002
oh dear god, the cutest story ever
fscked up article. http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/0905FatherKilled05-ON.html
news.npr.org/health and science abt fertility
loveliest quote ever:
Book Quote
This is a quote from a book of short stories I was reading by Charles de Lint. The book is called Moonlight and Vines and is fantasy based in a contemporary setting. But being a writer, a reader and a knitter, I really wanted to share this to you because this brought such wonderful imagery to mind and really spoke to me. The story this is from is called "The Fields Beyond the Fields". Cross posted to booktards.
"I took great comfort in how the lines of words marched from right to left and down the page, building up into a meaningful structure like rows of knitting. Sweater stories. Mitten poems. Long rambling journal entries like the scarves we used to have when we were kids, scarves that seemed to go on forever."
posted to the knitting live journal by trebyl
Wednesday, September 04, 2002
find a fabric
Living room goals:
general decorating goals:
scan and frame
spray paint those boxes
* * * * * * *
more sites:
ooh. felted knapsack kit. and it comes in a bag. a bag kit that comes in a bag...i think it is perfection!
more bags, and a cool catalog, looks like.
* * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * *
already called sarah
need to call at&t
NEED to call state quarters
need to call, um, i know i had one more...tapestry
* * * * * * * *
want to make that stuff from loop-d-loop
want to make those cuffs from knitter, merino yarn and beads
Tuesday, September 03, 2002
Young Justice Comics
and no, i don't know what this quiz means, either.
i think i took this one already, but this one is pretty appropriate, too.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel.
gorgeous shockwave/flash animation
most amazing lingerie site ever, IMHO
what would your cat say if he could type? albeit poorly...
utterly amazing. must be viewed at home, as sound is essential. http://www.ninjai.com
Thursday, August 29, 2002
diet and blah
curry (12 pts)
chips n' salsa (5 pts)
2.75 oz of Doritos (8 pts)
one roll (2)
lettuce (0 pts)
veggie burger (4 pts)
cheese (2 pts)
soup - (160/9/3 - pts)
Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Tuesday, August 27, 2002
buitoni tortelloni - 3 servings per package.
each serving is 270 cal, 8 gr fat (3.5 sat fat), 2 gr fiber (38 carb)...also, 260mg sodium
1 1/2 servings (405/12/3)
also: 120/4/0 croutons, bacos (1pt) parm chese (3 pts) pesto (3pts)
iced coffee (3pts)
peach (2 pts)
yogurt, non fat (100/0/0)
sandwich (2 for tortilla, 2 for cheese, 2 for lunch meat) 6pts
luna bar (180/4/2)
Saturday, August 24, 2002
Thursday, August 22, 2002
Wednesday, August 21, 2002
he's pretty damn cool, too!
suzuki-san at a pop culture site
more pop stuff
Father Ted - I really want to see this show now that I have BBC America.
nice site
news link
marisa christina RIBBON YARN red shell~NWT!!! on ebay, size 3x, which is impressive. nice shell, just not my colors.
link from kris
what on earth was the jiffy afghan i wanted to do? i know i wanted to do it in springfield - for the name, and cause it was purple and black. or maybe it was a duster...
sock calculator
3 pieces pizza (lets just call it 20 pts)
1 diet coke (0 pts)
1 coffe (4 pts)
1 tea (1 pt for sugar)
plum (2 pts)
luna bar (4 pts)
sandwich (7.5 pts)
shake (2 pts)
today's total...way too high at 40.5 pts
basic sock pattern
links to add to knitblog:
My Knitting Page (in progress)
Favorite Shopping Site
Monday, August 19, 2002
eck. the diet went BOOM today. i ate like a fscking pig.
for jenn i. http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/08/14/connie.missing.media
kelly's house!!! http://masslive.com/hampfrank/unionnews/index.ssf?/news/pstories/hf818fir.html
[kRadD3ViL] fUk1n n0n-31337 h4x0rz! t4lk l1k3 n00bZ!!!!
[evildewr] hey, i used to speek like that.. but it don't make you leet with women
[kRadD3ViL] WhY u s4y d4t n00b?
[evildewr] cuz my girlfriend dumped me for using numbers when we communicated
[kRadD3ViL] u h4d a g1rlfr13nd? fuk1ng 31337!!!!! g1rls s0und 1337!
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
plus sized
newport news
jansport/back pack
knitting needles
backpack jansport styles include: Instinct, Chasm, Solidity, Vibe XL, Fusion AirZuit System, YinYang Skate/Snowboard, Grind, Beam, Velocity, Meteor, Amoeba, Radiate, Mini Trinity, Airlift
ate too much today. depressed about my weight/size. after sticking to my diet, i still weigh the same. sigh.
comprehensive HTML tag page
lego soccer game
Set card game
Tuesday, August 13, 2002
Saturday, August 10, 2002
I should check this out later...
I'm pretty proud of myself. I've managed to stick to my diet this week pretty well. And I've been getting up and getting things done. Now, if I could just work in excersize...
I cannot resist slash...even when its lotr slash.
Thursday, August 08, 2002
Wednesday, August 07, 2002
note to self: six demon bag
ooh...and she finally updated my fave slash - i'll get to that later....and i'm still dying to order make up from amphigory.com
Tuesday, August 06, 2002
leg warmer pattern
skirt pattern
cute little bear pattern - I think I'll actually make this for the baby.
black and decker mouse - i WANT it.
ghostworld lyrics and whatnot
oh, a rock's not alive...
hellz yeah - i'm Da Head Banga...or, with my full name...Da Alter Boy
kris's link of the night
wish list:
black and decker mouse sander
knitting needles, tons of 'em
i'm looking for some really creative toile colors...i wish i could find a great safety orange, or lime green, or magenta toile. i wish i was skilled enough to design my own...or find someone i could commission to do it. laura ashley has a plum toile, but that's just a little too sedate. here's a page of them...but again, too sedate.
Friday, August 02, 2002
you'll cock your gun
and the blood will run
like ribbons through your hair...
tom waits "black rider"
the ultimate in cool
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
jean's new schedule: SU, We, th, fr....6 - 4:30
help for sensitives dot com...seems a little weird, maybe exploitative?
psychic children? or schizophrenics?
very red light link to look at at home
i should order two of these...one for me, one for a gift
nudist colony pictures - check them out later
wow - cape cod lavendar farm
i can't believe these words just came out of my mouth, "wow, look at the stitch definition of that yarn!" i'm a big ol' yarn geek.
ladislaw starevitch (starewicz) movies...i have a copy in my netflix list, and i can't wait! jealous of nick.
voice of the nightingale
the cameraman's revenge
a chronology of animation
more animators
club of the discarded
hmmmm...zeitgeist films...home of the brothers quay
STAN BRAKHAGE A selected filmography
the museum of useful things gift shop
The Cook, the Chicken, the Wife and Her Husband
fabulous bruce springsteen story on salon.com
rats. i did forget this contest...and i was pretty excited about it too. *frown*
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Monday, July 29, 2002
possible patterns for kris's dr. who project - cardigan
knitting frenzy
yarn fiend
karabella yarns - i'll need to check it out at home due to lack of flash - got the link from this blog
one chick's projects - cool to look at.
sock yarn - i know what my next project is going to be!
Friday, July 26, 2002
this site is sooooo cool. loop-d-loop high fashion knitting....the patterns are MUCH more affordable than I thought they would be.
this link is utterly fascinating and a little weird - the church of craft
nice handmade jewelry by rubyzoe - i think its a little pricey, though.
another knitting page - i think i saw it before but didn't link it. wiseneedle.com
i'm not sure what i think of this - punk fui
dig this blog - it has a very busy template that I can relate to.
yet another knit blog - centre pull ball - and another
aran hat pattern
a funny from kris
coming to the sad realization...i'm not going to finish this baby hat in time for my stepsister's shower on sunday...maybe i'll finish it next week and mail it.
Thursday, July 25, 2002
knitting wish list:
Swallow Casein set/5 5
Bryspun Flexible set/5 2
8" 20cm Pony Pearls set/5 15.0
16" 40cm Pony Pearls 15.0
9" 22cm Swallow Casein set/5 9
mary maxim has that cool sock yarn (with free pattern), sirdar stripe, and the lizard hat pattern
oh dear god. punk rock girls that love to knit...my sistahs! and this site too. It's not up yet, but it will be a punk knitting site. Cool beans.
ooh, a slipper pattern that might work for the pair i had in mind...
Spin A Yarn
9 Mitchell Ave.
Binghamton, NY 13903
+1 (607) 722 3318
Owner: Nancy R. Hopf
email: NRKnits@aol.com
Knitting and spinning supplies. Custom knitting and instruction. Reynolds, Ironstone, Classic Elite, Crystal Palace, Sirdar, Schaffer, Plymouth, Patons yarns; Inox needles; Ashford spinning wheels; Gaywool fibers and dyes; books and magazines.
46 Washington Ave.
Endicott, NY 13760
+1 (607) 748 3860
Saratoga Springs
Stitchin' Post
17 Phila Street
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
+1 (518) 587 9636
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
would you like some wang with that?
things i hate today:
1. my work computer. dell gx1 running nt 4. we barely even support nt 4, so why the hell are we using it??
2. customers. 297 emails as i type this. i only have time to type becaues my computer takes 5 minutes to open the apps i need.
3. not having enough time to even finish this list.
i hate austin powers, but still...this is kinda funny.
Jennifer "Determined" Perrault
Nothing stands between you and the proverbial brass ring. If you encounter any obstacles in your path, you quickly and effortlessly sidestep them or obliterate them. At the end of the day, you are standing tall and enjoying the thrill of victory.
Vital Gear
Includes a Palm Pilot, ready cash and a base of operations.
Monday, July 22, 2002
Saturday, July 20, 2002
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.50
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -5.64
political compass
Which Lilo & Stitch Character Are YOU?
Find out now! Only from the Quiz Junkie
Friday, July 19, 2002
swallow casein needles from patternworks
uber cool contest i would love to enter - design a cover for 1000 journals. Click on it! Kris and I will do one. I think Jenn should too. this cover makes me think of anthony.
original home of the mommy chronicles.
diary to read some time
this diary is interesting looking. absinthe and peppermints...of course, whenever i say interesting, i mean gothy.
if you love something, set it free. if it really loves you, it will come back to haunt you on the internet. - jcp
![]() |
Thursday, July 18, 2002
okay, i lied. 3 jagers and a beer. and a fla-vor-ice. but that's it. okay. and a pickle. but pickles don't count.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Schoolhouse Press
oh, and another knitting site - Yarn Forward
adorable dress pattern - looks way too complex, though.
another sweater pattern
Well, I can get bryspun needles here...and also at Herrschners
how to make socks stuff
time travel fund...look what $10 can do for you, through the magic of compound interest!
what a great to-do list. i only saw roman holiday once, and it was about 10% over when i started, but i really liked it.
florida, and children, and how much it all sucks
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Stephen Cosgrove SERENDIPITY Books
I had a great idea to buy s. books online, hopefully get some doubles so that I could take some and frame them. like cut them up, and put one picture in one side of a double matted frame, and put the words to that page on the other side. cool idea, eh?
finally, i found a yarn, the spectrum batik i need for the isis stole. if only i could find the rest of the suggested yarns, i'd be happy. i may need to place some special orders.
here's the prism bon-bon tapestry color
these crystalite crochet hooks look SO cool.
a funny thing happened when i started searching on yahoo.com...i found even more yarn sites
i cannot find the percentages for trendsetter chateau anywhere. i think deborah bergman just made it up. i know its a blend, but of course it would have been way to helpful for her to include the percentages and the FREAKING YARN WEIGHT in the actual pattern. My love for her is going THIN.
nice site - One Fine Yarn.
I want to make/buy a bumper sticker that says this - got yarn?
Knitter's Review - a great site...I should send them my knitting goddess book.
yarnware is an okay site - i like their selection, but personally think their navigation BLOWS
nick links:
Matchbox shrines (my family has been making these recently)
More matchbox/pocket shrines
Strange but true: http://www.miketheheadlesschicken.org/
totally cool saint wallet from that link
I like her tarot cards too....I think I would like to make a shrine with tarot imagery. i know just enough to be dangerous. I saw another great book on making books. I think it was at Essentials in Noho. I would love to get it. I would love to make a tarot book. That's a great idea. Or jungian/cambellian archetype pages. with excerpts from their books.
kris links:
gotta remember - katie's having a pampered chef party in august!
Monday, July 15, 2002
very expressive, and you don't take shit from people. Also, you have a talent for being brutally honest with everyone. Definately a force to be reckoned with. This test was created by Zid! Visit my Livejournal ![]() or my Deadjournal ![]() |
Take the test HERE!
1/4" ribbon yarn
knitting needles (extra large circular, and size 2s, and size 2 dpns)
serendipity books
up to here in tattodnanny's diary...sweet woman with an excellent entry on kidnapping...but not quite as smart as she thinks she is...SPELLCHECK.
Thursday, July 11, 2002
Wednesday, July 10, 2002
crazy links
gorgeous corsets...not a lot of chick pics though
how to make a corset - the necessary pattern generator
patterns to order
great stuff
article on corsets
more cool corsets
S. P. Somtow, The Vampire's Beautiful Daughter
Corpses, Coffins and Crypts : A History of Burial
the gothic shoppe
spooky boutique
people cards?
independent bookstores in MA
you are [42]% freak

Are you a freak? by krysten

hmmm...if i'm 42% freak (and i think i should get bonus points for hitting 42) then it stands to reason i'd be "labled" as a freak.
![]() |
Tuesday, July 09, 2002
yarns for the red isis stole:
main color, filatura di crosa sympathie color 941
3 50 g skeins
composition: 45% Wool, 35% Mohair, 20% Acryl
weight: Worsted
I could special order it from here
(some replacements at patternworks, I can try)
trendsetter chateau red and black color 8 (polyester/viscose/mohair)
5 50g skein
2 2oz skeins of Prism Bon Bon 1/4" ribbon tapestry in russets, violets, and teals (100% rayon)
berrocco etruscan glaze?
1 skein Prism Bon Bon 1/4" ribbon in hot pink color 203 (100% rayon)
2 50g skeins of Spectrum Batik in Red (acrylic polyester) color 3
also - 17 circular needles, and 13 or 15 dpns
http://smileysyarns.com/, http://www.herrschners.com/, and http://patternworks.com/
Elann.com they
truly disgusting knit links
i can't stop with the knit stuff
knitting blog
bonsai potato

Cutest little dragon master.
Find out what anime girl you are.

What fuzzy creature are you?
I knew I was kitsune...

Faye Valentine! (fe fe)
wow, am i insulted...sick. lego stereotyping!
some more quizzes
Monday, July 08, 2002
NYT username - hippygoth/oldskool
my domain is up and pointing http://www.hippygoth.com
funny, funny, funny - but also scary, because it's true!
amusing - this one makes me think of my girl gamer friends.
cthulu - yay cthulu references!
you know you're a goth when...this joke makes sense.
whoa...a preacher reference...and then, a shriekback reference - happiness! this comic really adds so much joy to my life.
Up to here in FLEM.
Kris links I didn't have a chance to look at:
I'm so in love:
![]() |
I am Metroplex! Possessed of startling versatility and staggering strength, you are the one everyone depends on as a last resort. In battle, you are a mighty instrument of destructive force, unwavering and ever-valiant when you attack. And for when you are not in battle, you are a helpful and observant protector as Autobot City. But despite your enormous amount of power, you are also extremely modest. You often berate yourself for not being able to contribute more to the Autobot cause. |
Take the Transformers Gestalt / Citybot quiz by X-Warlock
Saturday, July 06, 2002
will it ever end? tell me, does this depravity never end!!!???
(i certainly hope not)
remember Dear Mr. Henshaw by Beverly Cleary? I do. I remember the boy's relationship with his dad. His dad drives a big rig, delivering vegetables. I remember broccoli, and that his dad wrote a little song about how you always see only one lonely shoe on the side of the highway. And there is a butterfly garden.
"It's usually best not to rile a Malfoy--they may be small, but they can afford assassins." - from my fave slash
Friday, July 05, 2002
Thursday, July 04, 2002
Return to Sender
Oh, the horror! Oh, the slash!
The dreaded, bizarre, non-sexual, corset fic...
Jesus of the Week
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
pirate stuff
foolishness from kevin...and more...a bird game
the blue ginger menu
top fives are an interesting idea...also add "Jenn is..."
absolutely amusing link from kris
updated my page a little, mostly the new knitting page. Of course, I forgot to add the most famous one of all - Webs.
how many weight watchers points is a slurpee? i have no idea. one link says that it is 157 cal per 12 oz, but what about fat?
interesting link...i don't keep kosher, i'm not jewish, but the ingredient information is still useful
* Fat Angel is slightly bitter in the finish.
* Fat Angel is the ale of universal reconciliation, brewed in an ambiguous world for those seeking answers in the age of confusion.
* "Fat Angel" is a transcendental piece of Flower Power proselytizing.
* Fat Angel is an unbelievably funny song about a pusher.
* Fat Angel is a little beatier than its original.
* 'Fat Angel' is a long Donovan improv piece (one of two on the record), based on the Airplane emulating the quieter live Doors as closely as possible (or as close as possible without employing an organ or an alcoholic sex bomb lead singer....oh wait, they had one of those latter species, but she doesn't sing on this one.
* "jenn is on the quiet side."
* Jenn is researching the governmental and non-governmental perceptions of the delinquency and victimization of juvenile girls.
* Jenn is going to put the hurt to them
* Jenn is the vocalist, co-leader and banjo player of the group.
* Jenn is an attractive 19 year old with coloration and features commonly associated with someone of an Italian heritage
* Jenn is my favorite source for casual baby doll clothing (besides the items I make, LOL).
* "Jenn" is a professional cyclist sponsored by Minute Maid/Dasani-LaGrange.
* Jenn is an egg
* Jenn is trying to hide from Glen.
* Jenn is getting to be the pro at Chemistry
* Jenn is the current coordinator for Linuxchix.org
* Jenn is married to Matthew McConaughey.
* Jenn is 5 years old!!!
* Jenn is hoping that doctors will let her continue her growth hormone therapy.
* Jenn is particularly persistent.
Tuesday, July 02, 2002
decorating, vintage, and cool (by cool, I mean 40's,50's, and 60's):
cool stuff
more cool stuff
love this stuff (too expensive, though)
fabulous jewelry
more lampshades...a little cooler than the others, good links page
cool patterns and such...if only i knew how to embroider...
art deco pix
Metropolis Film Stuff...
yum. Bettie Page.
collectibles...good for ideas
find your hawaiian name
the redhead lounge
interesting recipe
lounge music
fabric stuff
vintage clothes and patterns
so in love with this site...leopard print!
funny comic from kevin
random link
weird name-dropping diary i might get back to
strange concept...ghost sites, main site looks interesting, too.
oh, nick...you are a genius.
links pages
sweet links
links a-go-go
my my...more links
even more lounge links
random, perhaps evil links
even more links
mod links
vintage (whatever that means) links
running out of clever things to say about links
Jean Cocteau's "Beauty And The Beast"
Tura Satana of Russ Meyer's " Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!"
NIN - Queen's "Get Down Make Love"
FW Murnau -- Muranu was know for creating two of the greatest gothic films and
some of the most pervasive and influential images that defined the early gothic scene.
That is from his films "The Cabinet of Dr. Calgari" and "Nosferatu". The cover of
Bauhaus's "Bela Lugosi Is Dead" is taken from that film. Bands like The Cure show
large chunks of "The Cabinet Of Dr. Calgari" before their shows on not one but two
concert tours. The films are some of the greatest silent films ever. If you have never
seen them, rent them tonight.
Friday, June 28, 2002
my obsession of the minute...knitting things
another yarn site
another free pattern site
knit baby hat...new project?
round baby afghan - wish I'd found it earlier
quilted patterns and stuff
don't forget herrschners
One Fine Yarn
fabulous free patterns from lion brand yarn
"About" free patterns
more knitting and yarn
more corsets...i just can't stop!
alt.goth.fashion comes through with a corset list
more corset links
tremendously detailed instructions
more corset info than you can shake a stick at
looks like a good one to start with
history and such of stays
i must see if i can find this book - Corsets and Crinolines by Norah Waugh
365 Knitting Stitches a Year Perpetual Calendar
amazon has such great lists
Quilts From The Civil War: 10 Projects, Historical Notes, Diary Entries by Barbara Brackman
I know this sounds weird, but here is a cool pattern for patio chair slip covers
Thursday, June 27, 2002
GEMINI (May 21-June 20):
I dare you to pump up your receptivity, Gemini. I invite you to stoke your hunger for the perceptions and signals you normally filter out; to tune in to the subtexts and overtones of every situation you find yourself in. It may sound simple, but it'll require high levels of courage and willpower. Here are a few hints that might help: Make curiosity your guiding virtue. Intensify your desire to listen - I mean really listen. Be eager to find out what motivates everyone you encounter. Become wildly surprisable.
corset fiction
duct tape contest (!!)
interesting animation link from kevin
cool clothes (mostly corsets)
awesome directory
more links
meg NEEDS this link
corset links
can't gethere from work...so i don't know how good it is
mostly initalian, but goregeous!
very nice clothes, but in britain :(
the corsetorium web ring
if i'm ever in Seattle, i'll go
amazing jewelry...i want everything in slave bells!
goth web master?
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" - somehow, that got me here
blah another web ring
piercing jewelry
tight skirts, not quite my thing, but some nice pix
c p C p p p D D C C p p C C p p G p p
phantom of the opera
Adams family theme
+ C + e + C a F + d p p b B + d B g E + c p p + c + C + e + C a F + d p p + c B g A b + C
AHA Take on me
a a f D D G G g b b +c +c +d +c +c +c A F A A a g g a g a a f D D G G g b b +c +c +d +C
Tuesday, June 25, 2002
the persecution and assassination of jean-paul marat as performed by the inmates of the asylum of charenton under the direction of the marquis de sade
the definitive online tam lin resource
the lady's not for burning, by Christopher Fry
Fry, Christopher - playwright (http://www.tarakharper.com/link_cls.htm#mil_f)
On poetry: "Poetry is the language in which man explores his own amazement."
- The Boy with a Cart
- Curtmantle
- The Dark Is Light Enough
- The Firstborn
- The Lady's not for Burning, 1949
- A Phoenix too Frequent
- A Sleep of Prisoners
- Thor, with Angels
- Venus Observed
some info about John Keats
Terri Windling's site, complete with bibliography
how to taste vodka properly
Keats' Letter to Fanny
this book has been the first in a long time to make me feel the pain of breaking up, and seeing your lover sleep with someone else. that betrayal that i lived on a daily basis so long ago...
both kevin and blogger mentioned this